Saturday, May 03, 2008

"Escaramouche" by David Hart

"Escaramouche" by David Hart
(Oppqi denne dvask mork dosig himmel)

Behold the sparrows in the whispering trees
What is? Who is? Why is?
This katzenjammer mien of mine
Oh me oh me oh my oh.

Spatchcocked into the All in a
Vorpal vortex--repining, moiling
and resiling.

O this bouleversement--
A multifarious truculent
Heart--fie upon't foe.

A fiesty fantod for this
Hobbledehoy who anon
Helter-skelter tumbles
Through a fulginous
Parthian shaft and forthwith
Is sent to Coventry

Dendroid friends--remosed
And at attention in

Now, in this scheheradzadian
and numinous site.
Now, sensing in delight
the petrichor.

Alas, repining and
denying the
Eldritch diablerie ooze
That ooze is now
the denier cri.
Viceral quagmire
Of sorts

Sitting and fidgeting
on this bench--
A bel-esprit
Attending an interminable
Barmicide feast.

An appentence for an apposite
Arabesque desiring and deserving
An absolutely alluring alembic.

Rene Descartes you just
began to start
In a stove in the dark.

Now a passel of confaulating
Ebullient in flight
Salute a cluster of
Obmutescent natty trees.

* escaramouche-Fr. skirmish; "sent to coventry"-ostrasize; denier cri-Fr. the
latest fashion; petrichor-rain smell after a dry spell; numinous-supernatural
mysterious; moil-to work with painful effort 2. to shurn or swirl about
continuously; fuliginous-smoky; spatchcock-to insert or interpose in a
forced or awkward manner; hobbledehoy-n. awkward fellow; parthian shaft-n.
last resort; truculent-fierce,savage; bouleversement-n. reversal, 2.violent uproar;
resile-v. to rebound or recoil, shrinking withdrawing;
visceral-base emotions; repine-1. to feel or express discontent, long
for something; quagmire-predicament; fantod-n. state of nervous anxiety;
obmutescence-becoming silent; rectitude-goodness and honesty;
appentence-n. a strong craving or propensity; apposite-appropriate;
alenbic-n. something that refines or purifies;(Oppqi denne dvask mork dosig himmel)=
abandon this indolent dark drowsy sky; katzenjammer-noise 2.uneasiness; anguish; distress.
3. uproar; clamor:

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