Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Monday, December 22, 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hart 0227 Art by David Hart

Hart 0227
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Works by David Hart

Art by David Hart #214

Art by David Hart #214
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Oil Paintings by David Hart

Black Box #1 Audio Only Heroic Etude Parts 1 and 2

Black Box #1 Audio Only Heroic Etude Parts 1 and 2
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From a series of cassette tapes from 1992-1998
of the piano compositions and improvisation of
American Artist/Pianist/Composer David John Hart

Monday, December 15, 2008

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Meaghan Reads "The Sandman Visits"

Meaghan Reads "The Sandman Visits"
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"The Sandman's Visit" by David Hart
Asleep now and now the
Sandman with his night dreams
His sheer smoky subtle sleep is near
Now tip-toeing in the realm of Morpheus
Vibrating vivacious visions anon appear
Incredulous colorless dream
A dream of
paradoxically and passionately

And then, being persistently prudently
Pursued in a mesmerizingly melodious
Some faint feisty foggy fantastic vision--
a feeling of being luxuriously lost--
deliciously disoriented.

Dusty dense delirious delighting
And, misty musky marauding meandering
Mellifluous murky sight yields to
Tall tempestuous towering
High happy honey combed apartment

There. Quizzical quintessential
Quirky quagmires of chuckle-headed
cheeky choices---

There are friends
of the past who never
really wanted to last--
There are friends of the present
soon to be friends of the past.

From boisterous building to
Behemoth building--
Lackadaisically looking,
serenely searching,
Playfully pursuing
And, with people there's
Sharp scintillating schmoozing

Until the on coming light languishes--
her lurid lids--
To a new day.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

There's No Frigate Like a Book #73

There's No Frigate Like a Book #73
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Poetry Reading
There is no frigate like a book
To take us lands away,
Nor any coursers like a page
Of prancing poetry.
This traverse may the poorest take
Without oppress of toll;
How frugal is the chariot
That bears a human soul!

A Melting Face #141

A Melting Face #141
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All of the art works by David Hart are not in the
possession of the artist. They are all in the
collections of private parties, charities, Foundations,
and art museums worldwide.

Sculptures by David Hart #127

Sculptures by David Hart #127
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Sculptures by David Hart #127
All of the art works by David Hart are not in the
possession of the artist. They are all in the
collections of private parties, charities, Foundations,
and art museums worldwide.

The Creaky Castle Door

The Creaky Castle Door
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the creaky castle door hartistry Piano
Composition December 2008

Il a mis une tasse du cafe hartistry

Il a mis une tasse du cafe hartistry
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Il a mis une tasse du cafe hartistry

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tango in D minor by David Hart

Tango in D minor by David Hart
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tango minor david hart hartistry piano composition

Je t'adore cherie CLIP0095

Je t'adore cherie CLIP0095
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Art in Oils by American Artist David Hart

Il etait un bon copain CLIP0092

Il etait un bon copain CLIP0092
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Art in Oils by American Artist David Hart

Il a mis une tasse du cafe hartistry

Il a mis une tasse du cafe hartistry
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Il a mis une tasse du cafe hartistry

Art in Custody of the City of New York USA by Hart CLIP0091

Art in Custody of the City of New York USA by Hart CLIP0091
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Art in Custody of the City of New York USA by Hart

L'Air Du Temps Par David Hart hartistry CLIP0106

L'Air Du Temps Par David Hart hartistry CLIP0106
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Un oeuvre du piano par David Hart

Vive La Liberte

Vive La Liberte
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Vive La Liberte --Les peintures d'Hart

La Lune et Les Etoiles

La Lune et Les Etoiles
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La Lune et Les Etoiles peintures par Hart

Monday, December 08, 2008

My Frog and Butterfly hartistry art

My Frog and Butterfly hartistry art
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Adult Art by David Hart Various portraits with over stress lines and cuts, biomorphic
figures in artist's oils From the Nov-Dec 1995 collection none of these paintings are in the artist's possession.

Solitary Stone by David Hart hartistry

Solitary Stone by David Hart hartistry
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Poem by Hart

Glip Glop by David Hart hartistry

Glip Glop by David Hart hartistry
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Danielle reads a poem by David Hart
Glip Glop by David Hart

Glip Glop
Skibbledy do bop shoe bop
shoe bop
Super top to the love stop

Shoe bop shoe bop scoobydoo
Bip and bang whip 'n tang
biziggedy bang

hop and top
Skibbledy do bop shoe bop
whooly who hop

Boop schoop bip and bop
who op shoe op

Om runnin' 'n punnin'
'n sunnin' for the
glip glop.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

1985-1986 Art by David Hart

1985-1986 Art by David Hart
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Paintings and drawings by American Artist Mr. David Hart circa 10858

Sunday, November 30, 2008


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Original 1996 piano work by American Pianist/Composer Mr.
David Hart


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Original 1996 piano work by American Pianist/Composer Mr.
David Hart

Carnival Rio

Carnival Rio
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Original 1996 piano work by American Pianist/Composer Mr.
David Hart

The Haunted Castle

The Haunted Castle
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Original 1996 piano work by American Pianist/Composer Mr.
David Hart

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Heart by Stephen Crane

The Heart by Stephen Crane
Video sent by hartistry

In the desert
I saw a creature, naked, bestial,
Who, squatting upon the ground,
Held his heart in his hands,
And ate of it.

I said, "Is it good, friend?"
"It is bitter - bitter," he answered;
"But I like it
Because it is bitter,
And because it is my heart."

Friday, November 07, 2008

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Millie reads This Moment in Time" by David Hart

Millie reads This Moment in Time" by David Hart
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This Moment in Time" by David Hart (Eng+Arabic)

"This Moment in Time" by David Hart
Leaves gleefully joyride
an undulating stream
Under crisp scintillating
sun light.
A butterfly rests in the
hand of God.
A sword is tightly clasped
in Allah's hand.
A flower is caressed by
the Buddha.
Now a break in fervent
faith occurs.
A group of children laugh
and peer at an ant farm.
A butterfly ascends from
the hand of God.
A sword cascades to the
ground from Allah's hand.
A small child delights
upon receiving the Buddha's
A giddy wind now weaves lovingly
through ticklish trees.

Erin reads Ahora

Erin reads Ahora
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"Ahora" por David Hart (Translation by Daniel Tucker Jan 2008)
Vamos, ahora, tú y yo,

Mientras de la tarde extende
Al cielo, azul y negro.
Procedemos por
Calles particulares de

Piedras lisas,
A retratamientos,
incoherentes y locos,

A restaurantes con
Mesas de paño blanco,
A hoteles con cuatro estrellas
Con chocolates en las almohadillas,

con amigos acariciados
Y exponemos de hechos, grandes y nobles,
Y luego,

A calles del baile que
Tentan nuestos pies.

Y, la verdad, este tiempo es ahora
Este momento galante en el tiempo.
Ahora, vientos de risa
Estallan por
La azotea mientras de giran

En el cielo, caliente y oscuro, y luego

Despieden ahora para cosquillear

las tapas de nuestras cabezas.
El tiempo es ahora
Y será sin fin.

No hay tiempo para el pasado.
No hay tiempo para el futuro.

no existen en realidad.
Ahora solamente existe.
Ahora será el momento.
Ahora siempre será el momento.
Sin fin, ahora.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Dream of the Starfish

The Dream of the Starfish
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the dream of the starfish -- a piano compostion
by David Hart

The Dark Cave

The Dark Cave
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atonal piano piece by David Hart

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

поэтические чтения

поэтические чтения
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Я рад, что я вас читать это, потому что я не думаю, что мое произношение - это все равно за Вами

Elizabeth Reads "INVERNALE"

Elizabeth Reads "INVERNALE"
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''Guns of Winter'' or "Invernale"by David Hart
Now the powdered chimney's breath
Exhales canescent puffs
Cruel wiley winter blasts harsh
Pummelling all in it's icy sights

Houses grimace grotesquely and eaves groan moanfully
Donning a new set of crystalline teeth

Anon, shivering birds seem hesitant
Swathed in winter's slicing binds

Icily gothic chandelier trees
Their crackly boughs must cleave
Obedient to the will of winter's

The crucible cold holds all to
it's sniping tribulations
Pelican trucks gooble up white streets

People hug themselves more these days,
While crunchshuffling along, teeth blurred
clattering in a symphony of spasm grunting cars.

Squirrel with Wiggly Tail

Squirrel with Wiggly Tail
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A Squirrel with a wiggly tail

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Monday, September 29, 2008

Danielle reads The Barghest's Monody

Danielle reads The Barghest's Monody
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''The Barghest's Monody'' by David Hart

Therewithal, profluent life ettles it's while.
Thitherward, from Death's bleak campanile
Grim antiphonals serenade.

A capriccio, the slashing swipe of the reaper's scythe
will serenade.
Stringent Death forthwith anoints the mithridate to
Life's cantankerous and rankling ado

Hither now come, anon recondite Azrael, neither protend
nor annex this throttled contretemps.

The antiphonal of the reaper's cavalier scythe
Shall now serenade.
Awhirl, like kerfs demarcated
Years, bollixed, muzzy and brattled
shall holus-bolus expire.

No retaliation to death's gloomy surcease
No ingenious riposte to the reaper's final cleave.

Bootless now to don the amulets,
squeeze the jujus,
Kiss the talismans,
clutch the periapts or
Attire in steely cataphract.

The serenading of the reaper's scythe,
it's efficacy shall blithely cleave.
Bedim mine eyes from life's assailing
Bedim mine eyes from life's poltroonery

Brennin reads Verse

Brennin reads Verse
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''Verse'' by Mr. David Hart

Be not harried by apostasy spates
Surcease ye flux of basilic imprecations
Adhibit ye ,supernal paracletes
The pith of divinity

An Achates,
Vae victis
In this temporal realm

Chatoyant fanfaronade
Sursurrant congeries
Erelong abate
Shun the gaffer's gammon
Arcadian maundering

Avaunt kaleidoscopic zealotry
Bandy a cutlass perfervid
Ex aequo et bono

Beneficence's glaive bandies.

Preside atheling echt
In pharos of Nestor

Bestow succor to the augean Boeothians!
Malign them not--for now come the celestial shower
To halidom, shepard, solace and anele
Ye benighted churls

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Tinkerbell's Waltz

Tinkerbell's Waltz
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Improvisational Composition by David Hart

Alice in Thunderland

Alice in Thunderland
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an improvisational composition for the piano
by David Hart

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lindsey D reads Strolling a poem by David Hart hartistry

Lindsey D reads Strolling a poem by David Hart hartistry
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" Strolling " by David Hart

Walking wistfully willy-nilly.
Now to the left.
The aching aged railing wrapped
In white wrinkled crackalure attire.
A friend I mutely greet.

Sunset. Serene sunset. Soft sunset.
Gliding over plaintive pliant pavement.
Pavement that yields specters of
Fractured farcical fanciful faces.
Disjointed figures of every kind.
Smiling now I silently greet them all.

Taking modest calculated steps.
There. Gentile, civil undulating blades.
Greening hues from pale lights to daring darks.
Proud blades--miniature spires--
Blushing blades.
Ossillating in the casual cavalier caresses
of a wooing warm wild wonderful wiley wind.

Short cropped green-yellow blades. Yearning.
Yearning, to gratefully grow to great gargantuan
Glorious heights.

Now. The tooing and froing.
Now. The the crissing and crossing.
Gruff. Grubby. Growling cars.

Unforgiving savagery. Sordid steamy
Strict streets.
A gorey guillotining great beast.

Alas alack and hallelujah.
Safely across.

I greet my miniature friend.
The wild rabbit.
I give a hand wave and
To my amazement he lifts
His little paw.
I want to believe it is
Not coincidence.

Cheerful. Verdant clusters of
Shrubbery tickle the side of
A cantankerous towering building.

The subtle wind stealthfully
Arrives. A polite playful breeze.
Dried brittle brown and tan leaves
Scrape and dance on a bed of laughing
Lethargic pale gray and black singing
Smooth stones.

Mind body and soul now imbibes
Tantalizing. Melodious. Machinations.
From lyrically long ago in far fair and
Free soul places.

Heaven's bold bright blazing eye winks
With it's full fluffy pillowy cloud lid.

Alive. Alertly alive. Attentively alive.
On this dancing daring delirious delicious
Delightful day.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Crystal and Tequila read en Espagnol

Crystal and Tequila read en Espagnol
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in Spanish a poem by David Hart

Crystal and Tequila read en Espagnol

Crystal and Tequila read en Espagnol
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En Espagnol

Break, Break, Break by Alfred Lord Tennyson

Break, Break, Break by Alfred Lord Tennyson
Video sent by hartistry

Break, break, break,
On thy cold gray stones, O sea!
And I would that my tongue could utter
The thoughts that arise in me.

O, well for the fisherman's boy,
That he shouts with his sister at play!
O, well for the sailor lad,
That he sings in his boat on the bay!

And the stately ships go on
To their haven under the hill;
But O for the touch of a vanished hand,
And the sound of a voice that is still!

Break, break, break,
At the foot of thy crags, O sea!
But the tender grace of a day that is dead
Will never come back to me.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Adieu, farewell earth's bliss by Thomas Nashe

Adieu, farewell earth's bliss by Thomas Nashe
Video sent by hartistry

1 Adieu, farewell earth's bliss,
2 This world uncertain is;
3 Fond are life's lustful joys,
4 Death proves them all but toys,
5 None from his darts can fly:
6 I am sick, I must die.
7 Lord, have mercy on us!

8 Rich men, trust not in wealth,
9 Gold cannot buy you health;
10 Physic himself must fade;
11 All things to end are made;
12 The plague full swift goes by:
13 I am sick, I must die.
14 Lord, have mercy on us!

15 Beauty is but a flower
16 Which wrinkles will devour;
17 Brightness falls from the air,
18 Queens have died young and fair,
19 Dust hath clos'd Helen's eye:
20 I am sick, I must die.
21 Lord, have mercy on us!

22 Strength stoops unto the grave,
23 Worms feed on Hector brave,
24 Swords may not fight with fate,
25 Earth still holds ope her gate;
26 Come, come, the bells do cry.
27 I am sick, I must die.
28 Lord, have mercy on us!

29 Wit with his wantonness
30 Tasteth death's bitterness:
31 Hell's executioner
32 Hath no ears for to hear
33 What vain art can reply:
34 I am sick, I must die.
35 Lord, have mercy on us!

36 Haste, therefore, each degree
37 To welcome destiny:
38 Heaven is our heritage,
39 Earth but a player's stage:
40 Mount we unto the sky.
41 I am sick, I must die.
42 Lord, have mercy on u

Fifth Avenue New York City Art

Fifth Avenue New York City Art
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Paintings by David Hart

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Merci O Seigneur Poesie par David Hart

Merci O Seigneur Poesie par David Hart
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On a ecrit en Anglais le premier.

Donnant poesie par David Hart en Francais

Donnant poesie par David Hart en Francais
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J'ai parle avec le grande ciel
Et, le ciel m'a donne
Une sourire scintilante

J'ai visite les montaignes
Magnifiques et Je les a donne
Un embrassement aimant et tendre

J'ai crie a la lune triste
Et, la lune heureusement m'a visite

Je me suis etendu du soleil brillant
Et, le soleil m'a chauffe

Je vous a donne mon
Coeur tendre
Et, Vous l'avez caresse.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

La Chanson de Paix par David Hart

La Chanson de Paix par David Hart
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La Chanson de Paix par David Hart
Le matin, l'apres-midi, et le soir
Ne tuez pas, ne tuez pas
La paix, Venez vitement
Je suis un vent de la paix belle

Je reve la belle reve de paix
Dieu s'il Vous plait, Apportez
le bel vent de paix.
Allah s'il Vous plait, Apportez
Le bel vent de paix

Le matin, l'apres-midi et le soir,
Je suis un bel vent de paix
Ne tuez pas ne tuez pas
Venez maintenant a jamais
Le bel vent de paix.

Un Tintement par David Hart

Un Tintement par David Hart
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Un Tintement translation by D. Hart
Les arbres aiment ses feilles vertes
Le vent est compose d'un milliard
Des esprits de les gens, les fleurs,
La mer et le ciel -- Ah, Oui!

Les singes aiment ses bananes
Et la mer est compose d'un milliard
de petites gouttes de la pluie.

Et moi, j'aime mes levres
Parce que tu me donne un milliard
De petits baisers que me fait
Un tintement tout sur mon ame.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

To his Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell

To his Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell
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To his Coy Mistress

by Andrew Marvell

Had we but world enough, and time,
This coyness, lady, were no crime.
We would sit down and think which way
To walk, and pass our long love's day;
Thou by the Indian Ganges' side
Shouldst rubies find; I by the tide
Of Humber would complain. I would
Love you ten years before the Flood;
And you should, if you please, refuse
Till the conversion of the Jews.
My vegetable love should grow
Vaster than empires, and more slow.
An hundred years should go to praise
Thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze;
Two hundred to adore each breast,
But thirty thousand to the rest;
An age at least to every part,
And the last age should show your heart.
For, lady, you deserve this state,
Nor would I love at lower rate.

But at my back I always hear
Time's winged chariot hurrying near;
And yonder all before us lie
Deserts of vast eternity.
Thy beauty shall no more be found,
Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound
My echoing song; then worms shall try
That long preserv'd virginity,
And your quaint honour turn to dust,
And into ashes all my lust.
The grave's a fine and private place,
But none I think do there embrace.

Now therefore, while the youthful hue
Sits on thy skin like morning dew,
And while thy willing soul transpires
At every pore with instant fires,
Now let us sport us while we may;
And now, like am'rous birds of prey,
Rather at once our time devour,
Than languish in his slow-chapp'd power.
Let us roll all our strength, and all
Our sweetness, up into one ball;
And tear our pleasures with rough strife
Thorough the iron gates of life.
Thus, though we cannot make our sun
Stand still, yet we will make him run.

Ode a la Lampe par David Hart

Ode a la Lampe par David Hart
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poesie par hartistry

Jinny reads This Moment in Time

Jinny reads This Moment in Time
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"This Moment in Time" by David Hart
Leaves gleefully joyride
an undulating stream
Under crisp scintillating
sun light.
A butterfly rests in the
hand of God.
A sword is tightly clasped
in Allah's hand.
A flower is caressed by
the Buddha.
Now a break in fervent
faith occurs.
A group of children laugh
and peer at an ant farm.
A butterfly ascends from
the hand of God.
A sword cascades to the
ground from Allah's hand.
A small child delights
upon receiving the Buddha's
A giddy wind now weaves lovingly
through ticklish trees.

Louis the Puppy

Louis the Puppy
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i meet Louis

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll

Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll
Video sent by hartistry

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!"

He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought --
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.

And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!

One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.

"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.

`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Adult Models in Bikinis Watercolors by David Hart

Adult Models in Bikinis Watercolors by David Hart
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Adult Models in Bikinis Watercolors by David Hart

Adult Models in Bikinis Watercolors by David Hart

Adult Models in Bikinis Watercolors by David Hart
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Adult Models in Bikinis Watercolors by David Hart

This Moment in Time by David Hart hartistry

This Moment in Time by David Hart hartistry
Video sent by hartistry

"This Moment in Time" by David Hart
Leaves gleefully joyride
an undulating stream
Under crisp scintillating
sun light.
A butterfly rests in the
hand of God.
A sword is tightly clasped
in Allah's hand.
A flower is caressed by
the Buddha.
Now a break in fervent
faith occurs.
A group of children laugh
and peer at an ant farm.
A butterfly ascends from
the hand of God.
A sword cascades to the
ground from Allah's hand.
A small child delights
upon receiving the Buddha's
A giddy wind now weaves lovingly
through ticklish trees.

This Moment in Time by David Hart hartistry

This Moment in Time by David Hart hartistry
Video sent by hartistry

"This Moment in Time" by David Hart
Leaves gleefully joyride
an undulating stream
Under crisp scintillating
sun light.
A butterfly rests in the
hand of God.
A sword is tightly clasped
in Allah's hand.
A flower is caressed by
the Buddha.
Now a break in fervent
faith occurs.
A group of children laugh
and peer at an ant farm.
A butterfly ascends from
the hand of God.
A sword cascades to the
ground from Allah's hand.
A small child delights
upon receiving the Buddha's
A giddy wind now weaves lovingly
through ticklish trees.

Y por David Hart hartistry

Y por David Hart hartistry
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poetry by David Hart
translation into Spanish by Daniel Tucker

De Dios a Dios por David Hart

De Dios a Dios por David Hart
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por David Hart

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008

Wistful Walk or Strolling a reading by Vicki

Wistful Walk or Strolling a reading by Vicki
Video sent by hartistry

" Strolling " by David Hart

Walking wistfully willy-nilly.
Now to the left.
The aching aged railing wrapped
In white wrinkled crackalure attire.
A friend I mutely greet.

Sunset. Serene sunset. Soft sunset.
Gliding over plaintive pliant pavement.
Pavement that yields specters of
Fractured farcical fanciful faces.
Disjointed figures of every kind.
Smiling now I silently greet them all.

Taking modest calculated steps.
There. Gentile, civil undulating blades.
Greening hues from pale lights to daring darks.
Proud blades--miniature spires--
Blushing blades.
Ossillating in the casual cavalier caresses
of a wooing warm wild wonderful wiley wind.

Short cropped green-yellow blades. Yearning.
Yearning, to gratefully grow to great gargantuan
Glorious heights.

Now. The tooing and froing.
Now. The the crissing and crossing.
Gruff. Grubby. Growling cars.

Unforgiving savagery. Sordid steamy
Strict streets.
A gorey guillotining great beast.

Alas alack and hallelujah.
Safely across.

I greet my miniature friend.
The wild rabbit.
I give a hand wave and
To my amazement he lifts
His little paw.
I want to believe it is
Not coincidence.

Cheerful. Verdant clusters of
Shrubbery tickle the side of
A cantankerous towering building.

The subtle wind stealthfully
Arrives. A polite playful breeze.
Dried brittle brown and tan leaves
Scrape and dance on a bed of laughing
Lethargic pale gray and black singing
Smooth stones.

Mind body and soul now imbibes
Tantalizing. Melodious. Machinations.
From lyrically long ago in far fair and
Free soul places.

Heaven's bold bright blazing eye winks
With it's full fluffy pillowy cloud lid.
Alive. Alertly alive. Attentively alive.
On this dancing daring delirious delicious
Delightful day.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Emily S reads All Over the Place

Emily S reads All Over the Place
Video sent by hartistry

ver the Place" by David Hart(eng&rus)

Trees love their roots
And the wind is made up of
Zillions of itty bitty
Spirits of people, flowers,
Sea and sky, endlessly
Tickling our shy little

Monkeys love their bananas
And the ocean is made up of a
Trillion gazillions of
Laughing rain drops.

I love my cheeks
Because I get thousands of
Soft tingly little kisses
From you
That make me
My face

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Sandman's Visit read by Vicki

The Sandman's Visit read by Vicki
Video sent by hartistry

"The Sandman's Visit" by David Hart

Asleep now and now the
Sandman with his night dreams
His sheer smoky subtle sleep is near

Now tip-toeing in the realm of Morpheus
Vibrating vivacious visions anon appear

Incredulous colorless dream
A dream of
paradoxically and passionately

And then, being persistently prudently
Pursued in a mesmerizing melodious

Some faint feisty foggy fantastic vision
of feeling luxuriously lost--
Chicanery, perhaps.

Dusty dense delirious delighting
And, misty musky marauding meandering
Mellifluous murky sight yields to
Tall tempestuous towering
High happy honey combed apartment

There. Quizzical quintessential
Quirky quagmires of chuckleheaded
cheeky choices---

There are friends
of the past who never
really wanted to last--

From boisterous building to
Behemoth building--
Lackadaisically looking,
serenely searching,
Playfully pursuing
Sharp scintillating schmoozing

Until light languished lurid lids
To a new day.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Un Futur Possible par David Hart

Un Futur Possible par David Hart
Video sent by hartistry

Un Futur Possible par David Hart
peinture d'huile
deux sortes de bleu
deux sortes de rouge

All Over the Place read by Alex and Kirstie

All Over the Place read by Alex and Kirstie
Video sent by hartistry

"All Over the Place" by David Hart(eng&rus)

Trees love their roots
And the wind is made up of
Zillions of itty bitty
Spirits of people, flowers,
Sea and sky, endlessly
Tickling our shy little

Monkeys love their bananas
And the ocean is made up of a
Trillion gazillions of
Laughing rain drops.

I love my cheeks
Because I get thousands of
Soft tingly little kisses
From you
That make me

Hannah F reads The Sandman's Visit

Hannah F reads The Sandman's Visit
Video sent by hartistry

"The Sandman's Visit" by David Hart

Asleep now and now the
Sandman with his night dreams
His sheer smoky subtle sleep is near

Now tip-toeing in the realm of Morpheus
Vibrating vivacious visions anon appear

Incredulous colorless dream
A dream of
paradoxically and passionately

And then, being persistently prudently
Pursued in a mesmerizing melodious

Some faint feisty foggy fantastic vision
of feeling luxuriously lost--
Chicanery, perhaps.

Dusty dense delirious delighting
And, misty musky marauding meandering
Mellifluous murky sight yields to
Tall tempestuous towering
High happy honey combed apartment

There. Quizzical quintessential
Quirky quagmires of chuckleheaded
cheeky choices---

There are friends
of the past who never
really wanted to last--

From boisterous building to
Behemoth building--
Lackadaisically looking,
serenely searching,
Playfully pursuing
Sharp scintillating schmoozing

Until light languished lurid lids
To a new day.

Monday, July 21, 2008

"The Sandman's Visit" by David Hart

"The Sandman's Visit" by David Hart

Asleep now and now the
Sandman with his night dreams
His sheer smoky subtle sleep is near

Now tip-toeing in the realm of Morpheus
Vibrating vivacious visions anon appear

Incredulous colorless dream
A dream of
paradoxically and passionately

And then, being persistently prudently
Pursued in a mesmerizing melodious

Some faint feisty foggy fantastic vision
of feeling luxuriously lost--
Chicanery, perhaps.

Dusty dense delirious delighting
And, misty musky marauding meandering
Mellifluous murky sight yields to
Tall tempestuous towering
High happy honey combed apartment

There. Quizzical quintessential
Quirky quagmires of chuckleheaded
cheeky choices---

There are friends
of the past who never
really wanted to last--

From boisterous building to
Behemoth building--
Lackadaisically looking,
serenely searching,
Playfully pursuing
Sharp scintillating schmoozing

Until light languished lurid lids
To a new day.

Dad and I at Church

Dad and I at Church
Video sent by hartistry

Dad and I at Church

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Petit Promenade par David Hart

Petit Promenade par David Hart
Video sent by hartistry

Petit Promenade par David Hart
Your Wonderous Love" by David Hart

I saluted the great gargantuan sky
And, the sky chimed a melodious smile

I embraced a magnificent miraculous mountain on high
And, presto, sprang forth a mountainous serene sigh

I beckoned the moody meandering moon to approach me
And, the moon sprightly did so with uncontrollable glee

I reached out to the soaring sizzling sun
And, the sensuous sun tickled my hand for fun

I entrusted my gentle giving heart to your gracious care
And, your wonderful love didst envelop me

And, all together the soaring sun and magnificent moon
And the mountains and the sky did now heroically swoon
And melodiously croon a lover's joyful and
Tantalizing tune

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

All Over the Place Stacy reads in English

All Over the Place Stacy reads in English
Video sent by hartistry

"All Over the Place" by David Hart(eng&rus)

Trees love their roots
And the wind is made up of
Zillions of itty bitty
Spirits of people, flowers,
Sea and sky, endlessly
Tickling our shy little

Monkeys love their bananas
And the ocean is made up of a
Trillion gazillions of
Laughing rain drops.

I love my cheeks
Because I get thousands of
Soft tingly little kisses
From you
That make me

Поцелуй на месте Дэвид Харt Деревья любят своих
корней и ветер состоит
из многих людей, спиртные
напитки, цветы, море и небо

, бесконечно щекочут наши
застенчивый мало улыбается.
Monkeys любят бананы и океана
состоит из триллионов Смеющийся
gazillions от капель дождя.
Я люблю своих щек Потому что
я получаю тысячи свете мало

целует из вас, что мне делать
пощипывание на моем лице.

Petit Symphonette le mouvement 4ieme par Hart

Petit Symphonette le mouvement 4ieme par Hart
Video sent by hartistry

petit symphonette mouvement 4ieme par hart hartistry

Petit Symphonette 3ieme mouvement par David Hart

Petit Symphonette 3ieme mouvement par David Hart
Video sent by hartistry

Petit Symphonette 3ieme mouvement par David Hart

Monday, July 07, 2008

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Huile Peintre

Huile Peintre
Video sent by hartistry

Les figures drole
les figures
Ce n'est pas mon affaire.
J'etais heureux pendant
le faisant et j'ai fais beaucoup
de sourires

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Elvis and El Capone

Elvis and El Capone
Video sent by hartistry

Je fais la connaissance de Elvis et
El Capone

Amies de Puerto Rico

Amies de Puerto Rico
Video sent by hartistry

In Spanish
Los besos del tarareo de aves en las hojas
La luna de baile lenta y el
Estrella cielo moteado
Venga ahora regocijó el cántico de acarrear árboles
A menudo incita el suspiro antiguo y sereno de la tierra

Usted apareció y se acercó con su caliente
Labios rechonchos y pouty
Y con usted los placeres del mundo
Y todo el heroics de los barcos valientes del mar
Y la furia de toda la vida didst se despliega

Entre abrazos y caricias de viento
Bañado de rayos zumbadores de la luna
La sensualidad de su beso húmedo
Sacude mi alma con la felicidad sincopal

Monday, June 30, 2008

Natalie reads the Blithe Oracle

Natalie reads the Blithe Oracle
Video sent by hartistry

Behold the Blithe Oracle by David Hart
Behold the fearnaught
From a merry mirador
Shunning any veneration

Dancing under resolute
moon light
Faineance and quiescence
The cowl of the
heterolite polyhistor

Proteus' transmogrifying
landscape yields delitescent

Kilkenny cats tango their bane on
a rumbling, bubbling,
shaking and
shivering earth--
tempora mutantur
et nos mutamur
in illis

The merry trenchant
oracle mambos on
in a state
of rhathymia,
in an airy arena.
Toro, Toro!

je joue avec deux montres

je joue avec deux montres
Video sent by hartistry

je joue avec deux montres

Sureet reads in Bengali All Over the Place

Sureet reads in Bengali All Over the Place
Video sent by hartistry

"All Over the Place" by David Hart

Trees love their roots
And the wind is made up of
Zillions of itty bitty
Spirits of people, flowers,
Sea and sky, endlessly
Tickling our shy little

Monkeys love their bananas
And the ocean is made up of a
Trillion gazillions of
Laughing rain drops.

I love my cheeks
Because I get thousands of
Soft tingly little kisses
From you
That make me

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Natalie et Bosco

Natalie et Bosco
Video sent by hartistry

je fais la connaissance d'une jeune fille et
son chien.

Natalie and Bosco

Natalie and Bosco
Video sent by hartistry

''The Joy of Love'' by David Hart

The kissing of the doves in the leaves
The slow dancing moon and the
Star speckled sky
Come now elated the chant of haling trees
Oft incites earth's ancient and serene sigh

You appeared and approached with your
inviting lips
And with you the delights of the world
And all the heroics of the sea's bold ships

And all life's fury didst unfurl

Amidst embraces and caresses of wind
Bathed in tingling moon beams
The ectasies of your moist kiss
Shakes my soul with swooning bliss

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Beverly et ses infants lis une poeme de David Hart

Beverly et ses infants lis une poeme de David Hart
Video sent by hartistry

Glip Glop by David Hart

Glip Glop
Skibbledy do bop shoe bop
shoe bop
Super top to the love stop

Shoe bop shoe bop scoobydoo
Bip and bang whip 'n tang
biziggedy bang

hop and top
Skibbledy do bop shoe bop
whooly who hop

Boop schoop bip and bop
who op shoe op

Om runnin' 'n punnin'
'n sunnin' for the
glip glop.

Monday, June 02, 2008

L'artiste et son pere, il y a 55 ans

L'artiste et son pere, il y a 55 ans
Video sent by hartistry

old photo of David Hart and
his dad

Poesie en Francais - Escaramouche

Poesie en Francais - Escaramouche
Video sent by hartistry

Escaramouche par David Hart
Voyez les passereaux chuchottement
D'un air de vague regret
Dans les arbres etourdissant...

Escaramoucheएस्कारामौचे एन Francais

Escaramouche par David Hart
Voyez les passereaux chuchottement
D'un air de vague regret
Dans les arbres etourdissant

Un ame etrique etreinds
Cette vie ethere

Les temps passes
Les voyages passes

Ils etaient ce qu'ils
Les rechereche que
les temps perdus

Vas-y a l'avenir
Voila les temps presentes

Adieu, adieu tristesse
Bonjour bonheur, alors
Bonjour bonheur.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Sarah Reads All Over the Place

Sarah Reads All Over the Place
Video sent by hartistry

Over the Place" by David Hart

Trees love their roots
And the wind is made up of
Zillions of itty bitty
Spirits of people, flowers,
Sea and sky, endlessly
Tickling our shy little

Monkeys love their bananas
And the ocean is made up of a
Trillion gazillions of
Laughing rain drops.

I love my cheeks
Because I get thousands of
Soft tingly little kisses
From you
That make me

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Painted Rabbits and Faniciful Friends

Painted Rabbits and Faniciful Friends
Video sent by hartistry

rabbits with funny teeth and their friends
Les lapins avec les dents droles et ses

Behold the Blithe Oracle by David Hart

Behold the Blithe Oracle by David Hart
Behold the fearnought
From a merry mirador
Shunning any veneration

Dancing under resolute
moon light
Faineance and quiescence
The cowl of the
heterolite polyhistor

Proteus' transmogrifying
landscape yields delitescent

Kilkenny cats tango their bane on
a shivering earth--
tempora mutantur
et nos mutamur
in illis

The merry trenchant
oracle mambos on
in a state
of rhathymia,
in an airy arena.
Toro, Toro!

vocabulary: rhathymia- light hearted; transmogrify- to change into different
shapes; bane-something that destroys life; kilkenny cats- people who fight to
the end; polyhistor-a person of wide or great learning; rumbustiously- wildly;
fearnaught-fearless; mirador- an enclosed balcony or turret;
tempora etc. -L. "the times are changed and we are changed in them"

Glip Glop

Skibbledy do bop shoe bop
shoe bop
Super top to the love stop

Shoe bop shoe bop scoobydoo
Bip and bang whip 'n tang
biziggedy bang

hop and top
Skibbledy do bop shoe bop
whooly who hop

Boop schoop bip and bop
who op shoe op

Om runnin' 'n punnin'
'n sunnin' for the
glip glop.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Jackie reads All Over the Place by David Hart

Jackie reads All Over the Place by David Hart
Video sent by hartistry

"All Over the Place" by David Hart

Trees love their roots
And the wind is made up of
Zillions of itty bitty
Spirits of people, flowers,
Sea and sky, endlessly
Tickling our shy little

Monkeys love their bananas
And the ocean is made up of a
Trillion gazillions of
Laughing rain drops.

I love my cheeks
Because I get thousands of
Soft tingly little kisses
From you
That make me

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

"The Mansuetude of Life" by David Hart

"The Mansuetude of Life" by David Hart

Life's mansuetude greets
Its caitiff guests.

The Clamor, then the Silence.

An Antaen prediliction
To contemn prospicience just
Is, alas.

The Serenity of Silence,
Then the Stentorian Ado.

The Sybyl's palaver, her
Paraclete's schwarmerei--
Such tsuris.

Is, Life just is.

Let's venerate analeptic

The Still, then the Fracas.

Fractious giaours executing
A galvanic gavotte
In a paroxysm
Of tergiversation

The quell of silence before
The rumble.

Arete. Let us all dazzle with
Noble arete.


a sudden sharp attack (of pain, rage, laughter etc);
ter·gi·ver·sate [tur-ji-ver-seyt]
–verb (used without object), -sat·ed, -sat·ing.
1. to change repeatedly one's attitude or opinions
with respect to a cause, subject, etc. equivocate.
2.to turn renegade;
arete-the aggregate of qualities, as valor and virtue,
making up good character Antaen-Gr Myth-Large/gigantic;
giaour-Mohammad's infidels; prospicience-n. forsight;
schwarmerei-n. excessive, unbridled enthusiam;
tsuris-Yiddish-trouble,aggro,woe; analeptic- invigorating;
fractious-adj. cross,ugly,unruly; palaver-n. talk intended
to beguile; mansuetude-mildness; gentleness:
the mansuetude of Christian love; caitiff- 1.a base, despicable person.
2.base; despicable.

"Rip Van Winkle's Crimson Tears" by David Hart

"Rip Van Winkle's Crimson Tears" by David Hart

Rip Van Winkle's crystal crimson tears
Shatter as sea gulls flit and cheer

A child's toy building doth tumble and crash
While a moon sky casts a rumbling flash

Rene Descartes ponders in an iron stove
Mining his mind for the treasure trove

Siggy Freud dreams of tunnels and holes
Riding a big cigar scrapping other's souls

Majesterial Mercury preens his taleria in bliss
Musing and fretting, his thoughts quite amiss

Rip Van Winkle's blood red years
Fail to quell the fanfaronade of tears

Rumplestilskin rows in a blue yellow kayak
Up to the sun in a fervid fulgurant attack

From the fear filled misery of a military trench
To the quiet muted cries of a hard park bench

Not much ado for a hero these days
The hero's in a cardboard box which forever sighs

Longing for just one empathetic caress
Now worn down with a soul full of duress

Rip Van Winkle's sanguine sorrowful tears
Yield scant surcease to a deluge of fears

"The Giddy Tree" by David Hart

"The Giddy Tree" by David Hart

Giddy tree, oh giddy tree
You tickle my funny bones
You see

Your branches swirl and twirl
And you look all gnarled and
Ready to unfurl

You creak and swing with
In a sweet swirling and
Affectionate breeze

Feisty tree, oh feisty tree
Butterflies dance
And fall in a frenzy
At your knees

Silly tree, oh silly tree
Ladybugs sunbath and linger
Giddy on your leaves

Limber tree, oh limber tree
You give and you live
A delight to the
and always you please

Dreamy tree, oh dreamy tree
Love birds surround you
and like adventurous ships sailing on
Sprite and dazzling seas

Charming tree, oh charming tree
Little children squeal and tickle
and swing on your arms in
the breeze oh so fickle

Mysterious tree, oh mysterious tree
The sparrows adore you
The squirrels they implore you
The owls ever asking you,
Who, who, who
The stars with certainty
Know you are no fool

You are a funny and twisty and
dreamy and mysterious and
wonderful and charming
tree, you

"All Over the Place" by David Hart

"All Over the Place" by David Hart

Trees love their roots
And the wind is made up of
Zillions of itty bitty
Spirits of people, flowers,
Sea and sky, endlessly
Tickling our shy little

Monkeys love their bananas
And the ocean is made up of a
Trillion gazillions of
Laughing rain drops.

I love my cheeks
Because I get thousands of
Soft tingly little kisses
From you
That make me

Saturday, May 03, 2008

"Escaramouche" by David Hart

"Escaramouche" by David Hart
(Oppqi denne dvask mork dosig himmel)

Behold the sparrows in the whispering trees
What is? Who is? Why is?
This katzenjammer mien of mine
Oh me oh me oh my oh.

Spatchcocked into the All in a
Vorpal vortex--repining, moiling
and resiling.

O this bouleversement--
A multifarious truculent
Heart--fie upon't foe.

A fiesty fantod for this
Hobbledehoy who anon
Helter-skelter tumbles
Through a fulginous
Parthian shaft and forthwith
Is sent to Coventry

Dendroid friends--remosed
And at attention in

Now, in this scheheradzadian
and numinous site.
Now, sensing in delight
the petrichor.

Alas, repining and
denying the
Eldritch diablerie ooze
That ooze is now
the denier cri.
Viceral quagmire
Of sorts

Sitting and fidgeting
on this bench--
A bel-esprit
Attending an interminable
Barmicide feast.

An appentence for an apposite
Arabesque desiring and deserving
An absolutely alluring alembic.

Rene Descartes you just
began to start
In a stove in the dark.

Now a passel of confaulating
Ebullient in flight
Salute a cluster of
Obmutescent natty trees.

* escaramouche-Fr. skirmish; "sent to coventry"-ostrasize; denier cri-Fr. the
latest fashion; petrichor-rain smell after a dry spell; numinous-supernatural
mysterious; moil-to work with painful effort 2. to shurn or swirl about
continuously; fuliginous-smoky; spatchcock-to insert or interpose in a
forced or awkward manner; hobbledehoy-n. awkward fellow; parthian shaft-n.
last resort; truculent-fierce,savage; bouleversement-n. reversal, 2.violent uproar;
resile-v. to rebound or recoil, shrinking withdrawing;
visceral-base emotions; repine-1. to feel or express discontent, 2.to long
for something; quagmire-predicament; fantod-n. state of nervous anxiety;
obmutescence-becoming silent; rectitude-goodness and honesty;
appentence-n. a strong craving or propensity; apposite-appropriate;
alenbic-n. something that refines or purifies;(Oppqi denne dvask mork dosig himmel)=
abandon this indolent dark drowsy sky; katzenjammer-noise 2.uneasiness; anguish; distress.
3. uproar; clamor:

Thursday, May 01, 2008

to stand(alone)in some by e.e. cummings

to stand(alone)in some by e.e. cummings
Video sent by hartistry

read by Dave Hart

to stand(alone)in some

autumnal afternoon:
breathing a fatal

enormous this how

patient creature(who’s
never by never robbed of
day)puts always on by always

dream,is to

Sarah Reads Ode to the Creator

Sarah Reads Ode to the Creator
Video sent by hartistry

poetry in english

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Jenny Reads An Admirable Man

Jenny Reads An Admirable Man
Video sent by hartistry

"An Admirable Man" by David Hart

Inquisitive women wonder where
his secret lies.
An intriguing man with
an evocative mind.

It's the strength of his charms
The span of his mind
A rumbling tenor of his laugh
The flash of his eyes
He's a well experienced man
An admirable man

He enters a room as casual
as he pleases
And the yearning eyes of the
women follow him
Some fall to their knees

It's the fire of his thought
The flash of his wit
The song in his heart
The ecstasy of his kiss

He's a man. An extraordinary gent,
A mesmerizing tantalizing man

Women endlessly wonder
at his enigmatic smile
They can't touch his mystic style
He's a magnificent man,
An admirable man

Monday, April 21, 2008

Le Pit Bull Elle a un ans

Le Pit Bull Elle a un ans
Video sent by hartistry

j'ai fais la connaissance d'un jeune Pit Bull.

Le Pit Bull Elle a un ans

Le Pit Bull Elle a un ans
Video sent by hartistry

j'ai fais la connaissance d'un jeune Pit Bull.

Kristi Lis La poesie d'Hart

Kristi Lis La poesie d'Hart
Video sent by hartistry

Krist reads
The Seasons of Your Love by David Hart

When bright lightening
Slices through the
Soft blue sky and
Your eyes delightfully
Dance in joy and glee,
My heart does gloriously sing.

Anon, seasons sprightly go
hither and yon.

Amidst the swirling orange and yellow leaves of
Autumn's caress, your pixie
Smile beams resplendent and light.

When bright jagged lightening cleaves
The pliant blue black night,
Your gentle soothing love bathes
my yearning heart this fair night.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Jacose Carousel

The Jacose Carousel
Video sent by hartistry

piano impressionism performed by David Hart

Leon et Llyod Deux Grands Souris

Leon et Llyod Deux Grands Souris
Video sent by hartistry

two rats on their way to the Mathmatics Department

Monday, April 14, 2008

Reverie encore

Reverie encore
Video sent by hartistry

"Luscious Dream" by Hart in English
I recall
A blinking,
And twinkling

Heaven of joy.
I struggle to

Thinking thoughts
Of Harmony.
One can, at times,
live a life
in selfish

Frantic life.
A reminiscent dream of
love--luscious, luxuriant,
magnificent love.

That great havoc of
My dream.