Monday, June 30, 2008

Natalie reads the Blithe Oracle

Natalie reads the Blithe Oracle
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Behold the Blithe Oracle by David Hart
Behold the fearnaught
From a merry mirador
Shunning any veneration

Dancing under resolute
moon light
Faineance and quiescence
The cowl of the
heterolite polyhistor

Proteus' transmogrifying
landscape yields delitescent

Kilkenny cats tango their bane on
a rumbling, bubbling,
shaking and
shivering earth--
tempora mutantur
et nos mutamur
in illis

The merry trenchant
oracle mambos on
in a state
of rhathymia,
in an airy arena.
Toro, Toro!

je joue avec deux montres

je joue avec deux montres
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je joue avec deux montres

Sureet reads in Bengali All Over the Place

Sureet reads in Bengali All Over the Place
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"All Over the Place" by David Hart

Trees love their roots
And the wind is made up of
Zillions of itty bitty
Spirits of people, flowers,
Sea and sky, endlessly
Tickling our shy little

Monkeys love their bananas
And the ocean is made up of a
Trillion gazillions of
Laughing rain drops.

I love my cheeks
Because I get thousands of
Soft tingly little kisses
From you
That make me

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Natalie et Bosco

Natalie et Bosco
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je fais la connaissance d'une jeune fille et
son chien.

Natalie and Bosco

Natalie and Bosco
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''The Joy of Love'' by David Hart

The kissing of the doves in the leaves
The slow dancing moon and the
Star speckled sky
Come now elated the chant of haling trees
Oft incites earth's ancient and serene sigh

You appeared and approached with your
inviting lips
And with you the delights of the world
And all the heroics of the sea's bold ships

And all life's fury didst unfurl

Amidst embraces and caresses of wind
Bathed in tingling moon beams
The ectasies of your moist kiss
Shakes my soul with swooning bliss

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Beverly et ses infants lis une poeme de David Hart

Beverly et ses infants lis une poeme de David Hart
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Glip Glop by David Hart

Glip Glop
Skibbledy do bop shoe bop
shoe bop
Super top to the love stop

Shoe bop shoe bop scoobydoo
Bip and bang whip 'n tang
biziggedy bang

hop and top
Skibbledy do bop shoe bop
whooly who hop

Boop schoop bip and bop
who op shoe op

Om runnin' 'n punnin'
'n sunnin' for the
glip glop.

Monday, June 02, 2008

L'artiste et son pere, il y a 55 ans

L'artiste et son pere, il y a 55 ans
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old photo of David Hart and
his dad

Poesie en Francais - Escaramouche

Poesie en Francais - Escaramouche
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Escaramouche par David Hart
Voyez les passereaux chuchottement
D'un air de vague regret
Dans les arbres etourdissant...

Escaramoucheएस्कारामौचे एन Francais

Escaramouche par David Hart
Voyez les passereaux chuchottement
D'un air de vague regret
Dans les arbres etourdissant

Un ame etrique etreinds
Cette vie ethere

Les temps passes
Les voyages passes

Ils etaient ce qu'ils
Les rechereche que
les temps perdus

Vas-y a l'avenir
Voila les temps presentes

Adieu, adieu tristesse
Bonjour bonheur, alors
Bonjour bonheur.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Sarah Reads All Over the Place

Sarah Reads All Over the Place
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Over the Place" by David Hart

Trees love their roots
And the wind is made up of
Zillions of itty bitty
Spirits of people, flowers,
Sea and sky, endlessly
Tickling our shy little

Monkeys love their bananas
And the ocean is made up of a
Trillion gazillions of
Laughing rain drops.

I love my cheeks
Because I get thousands of
Soft tingly little kisses
From you
That make me