Poetry, Art Works, Piano Compositions by an Oil Painting Artist -- Mr. David Hart -- resides in a small University town in Illinois. Prose as well
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
''Verse'' by Mr. David Hart
''Verse'' by Mr. David Hart
Be not harried by apostasy spates
Surcease ye flux of basilic imprecations
Adhibit ye ,supernal paracletes
The pith of divinity
An Achates,
Vae victis
In this temporal realm
Chatoyant fanfaronade
Sursurrant congeries
Erelong abate
Shun the gaffer's gammon
Arcadian maundering
Avaunt kaleidoscopic zealotry
Bandy a cutlass perfervid
Ex aequo et bono
Beneficence's glaive bandies.
Preside atheling echt
In pharos of Nestor
Bestow succor to the augean Boeothians!
Malign them not--for now come the celestial shower
To halidom, shepard, solace and anele
Ye benighted churls
vocabulary- spate-flood; arcadian-rural/simple; echt-adj.-genuine; Nestor-the god of wisdom; Achaetes-any faithful friend; chatoyant-possessing a changeable luster; rein-v.-to curb or restrain; amative-amatory; anele-v.- to annoint; harry-to torment by constant attack; perfervid-ardent/very fervid; ex aequo et bono-L.-according to the principle of fairness and good; bandy-to beat to and fro; vae victic-L.-woe to the vanquished; gammon-nonsense; gaffer- an old crone; flux-flow; fanfaronade--n.-bragging/ostentation/bluster; congeries-heap; susurrant-adj-whispering; basilic-lowly/base; pith-vigor/force/strength; supernal-celestial; imprecations-curses; halidom-a holy place/holiness; Pallas Athena-Gr.goddess of wisdom; quotha-arch.-indeed! Forsooth!; paracletes-someone who aids and supports; glaive-sword; pharos-lighthouse; atheling-ancient crown prince; adhibit-to let in/admit; benighted-adj-overtaken by darkness; bestead-to aid; anele-to annoint; contemn-v.-to view with contempt; solace-n. comfort in sorrow
Be not harried by apostasy spates
Surcease ye flux of basilic imprecations
Adhibit ye ,supernal paracletes
The pith of divinity
An Achates,
Vae victis
In this temporal realm
Chatoyant fanfaronade
Sursurrant congeries
Erelong abate
Shun the gaffer's gammon
Arcadian maundering
Avaunt kaleidoscopic zealotry
Bandy a cutlass perfervid
Ex aequo et bono
Beneficence's glaive bandies.
Preside atheling echt
In pharos of Nestor
Bestow succor to the augean Boeothians!
Malign them not--for now come the celestial shower
To halidom, shepard, solace and anele
Ye benighted churls
vocabulary- spate-flood; arcadian-rural/simple; echt-adj.-genuine; Nestor-the god of wisdom; Achaetes-any faithful friend; chatoyant-possessing a changeable luster; rein-v.-to curb or restrain; amative-amatory; anele-v.- to annoint; harry-to torment by constant attack; perfervid-ardent/very fervid; ex aequo et bono-L.-according to the principle of fairness and good; bandy-to beat to and fro; vae victic-L.-woe to the vanquished; gammon-nonsense; gaffer- an old crone; flux-flow; fanfaronade--n.-bragging/ostentation/bluster; congeries-heap; susurrant-adj-whispering; basilic-lowly/base; pith-vigor/force/strength; supernal-celestial; imprecations-curses; halidom-a holy place/holiness; Pallas Athena-Gr.goddess of wisdom; quotha-arch.-indeed! Forsooth!; paracletes-someone who aids and supports; glaive-sword; pharos-lighthouse; atheling-ancient crown prince; adhibit-to let in/admit; benighted-adj-overtaken by darkness; bestead-to aid; anele-to annoint; contemn-v.-to view with contempt; solace-n. comfort in sorrow
"Faustus" by David Hart
"Faustus" by David Hart
Faustus croons
Robust and beneficent
He's a gent bedighted
Lordly in a bosk boon
Forever, we yearn for more,
More since we've heard
His splenetic tunes
Faustus' winds tickle me
In barrancas effulgent
And copses verdant and free
Dear Faustus, begird me cool in forrests
Breezes langorious caress me
In assuasive gardens of dew
Anoint me in streams and rivers glorious
Steep me in spates splendiforous
Slap me with prickly rain dropliforous
Oh, His munificent gargantuan gree
Great padishah to big and small
What glorious sights there to see
Dave Hart 2006
vocabulary: bedight- v. to dress or array, boon-
jolly; jovial; convivial: boon companions, n. something to be thankful for; blessing; benefit, copse - a dense growth of bushes
Faustus croons
Robust and beneficent
He's a gent bedighted
Lordly in a bosk boon
Forever, we yearn for more,
More since we've heard
His splenetic tunes
Faustus' winds tickle me
In barrancas effulgent
And copses verdant and free
Dear Faustus, begird me cool in forrests
Breezes langorious caress me
In assuasive gardens of dew
Anoint me in streams and rivers glorious
Steep me in spates splendiforous
Slap me with prickly rain dropliforous
Oh, His munificent gargantuan gree
Great padishah to big and small
What glorious sights there to see
Dave Hart 2006
vocabulary: bedight- v. to dress or array, boon-
jolly; jovial; convivial: boon companions, n. something to be thankful for; blessing; benefit, copse - a dense growth of bushes
''Guns of Winter'' by David Hart
''Guns of Winter'' by David Hart
Now the powdered chimney's breath
Exhales canescent puffs
Cruel wiley winter blasts harsh
Pummelling all in it's icy sights
Houses grimace grotesquely and eaves groan moanfully
Donning a new set of crystalline teeth
Anon, shivering birds seem hesitant
Swathed in winter's slicing binds
Icily gothic chandelier trees
Their crackly boughs must cleave
Obedient to the will of winter's
The crucible cold holds all to
it's sniping tribulations
Pelican trucks gooble up white streets
People hug themselves more these days,
While crunchshuffling along, teeth blurred
clattering in a symphony of spasm grunting cars.
Now the powdered chimney's breath
Exhales canescent puffs
Cruel wiley winter blasts harsh
Pummelling all in it's icy sights
Houses grimace grotesquely and eaves groan moanfully
Donning a new set of crystalline teeth
Anon, shivering birds seem hesitant
Swathed in winter's slicing binds
Icily gothic chandelier trees
Their crackly boughs must cleave
Obedient to the will of winter's
The crucible cold holds all to
it's sniping tribulations
Pelican trucks gooble up white streets
People hug themselves more these days,
While crunchshuffling along, teeth blurred
clattering in a symphony of spasm grunting cars.
''A Bird For Thanatos'' -- by David Hart
''A Bird For Thanatos'' -- by David Hart
Confect not that nest for mate and brood! O ebony vestured
inhabitant of air and ground.
Anon ye rest, quasi-supine on bladed verdant sheet.
Requiescat in pace! Requiescat in pace!
Wafted by Thanatos' immutable call, so ye shall rest.
Forever rest silent and still little black bird, ne'er to skuttle
for and extirpate errant creatures vermiculate. Wellaway dear dark
denizen of sky and earth.
Heaven alas wields its' aspergillum of gentle crystaline drops
now upon you--Thanatos' irenic catch. Ne'er to descant from dawn til dusk through fastigated beak.
Upon me now a lauwine of gloom implodes my soul. Requiescat in pace!
Requiescat in pace!
Kowtow do I to the now still indicia of the reaper's jeremiad--summer winds eftsoons, quietly strum a lakh of minimalist monochromatic monodies through trees' indolent pliant branches.
Ywis, nevermore those mercurial fulgurations in Njortr's realms, no more honeymooning in topiaries, unmewed from raptorial paladine pursuits -- forever.
Requiescat in pace! Requiescat in pace!
David Hart USA 2000
Confect not that nest for mate and brood! O ebony vestured
inhabitant of air and ground.
Anon ye rest, quasi-supine on bladed verdant sheet.
Requiescat in pace! Requiescat in pace!
Wafted by Thanatos' immutable call, so ye shall rest.
Forever rest silent and still little black bird, ne'er to skuttle
for and extirpate errant creatures vermiculate. Wellaway dear dark
denizen of sky and earth.
Heaven alas wields its' aspergillum of gentle crystaline drops
now upon you--Thanatos' irenic catch. Ne'er to descant from dawn til dusk through fastigated beak.
Upon me now a lauwine of gloom implodes my soul. Requiescat in pace!
Requiescat in pace!
Kowtow do I to the now still indicia of the reaper's jeremiad--summer winds eftsoons, quietly strum a lakh of minimalist monochromatic monodies through trees' indolent pliant branches.
Ywis, nevermore those mercurial fulgurations in Njortr's realms, no more honeymooning in topiaries, unmewed from raptorial paladine pursuits -- forever.
Requiescat in pace! Requiescat in pace!
David Hart USA 2000
''The Barghest's Monody'' by David Hart
''The Barghest's Monody'' by David Hart
Therewithal, profluent life ettles it's while.
Thitherward, from Death's bleak campanile
Grim antiphonals serenade.
A capriccio, the slashing swipe of the reaper's scythe
will serenade.
Stringent Death forthwith anoints the mithridate to
Life's cantankerous and rankling ado
Hither now come, anon recondite Azrael, neither protend
nor annex this throttled contretemps.
The antiphonal of the reaper's cavalier scythe
Shall now serenade.
Awhirl, like kerfs demarcated
Years, bollixed, muzzy and brattled
shall holus-bolus expire.
No retaliation to death's gloomy surcease
No ingenious riposte to the reaper's final cleave.
Bootless now to don the amulets,
squeeze the jujus,
Kiss the talismans,
clutch the periapts or
Attire in steely cataphract.
The serenading of the reaper's scythe,
it's efficacy shall blithely cleave.
Bedim mine eyes from life's assailing
Bedim mine eyes from life's poltroonery
Vocabulary: barghest-a goblin fabled to portend misfortune; monody-funeral song; antiphonal-chant; protend-to protract in time/lengthen; riposte-n. in fencing, a quick return/thrust; brattle-v.-to make rattling or clattering noises; cavalier-supercillious/disdainful/haughty; muzzy-hazy; attaint-v. to condemn; rankle-to give pain/nettle/gnaw; contretemps-untoward accident/hitch; throttle-v.to choke/suffocate/strangle/stiffle; bollix-v.-to bungle or botch; holus-bolus-adv.-all at once/altoghter; mithridate-antidote against poison; cataphract-suit of armor for the whole body; poltroonery-n. cowardice; a capriccio-musical piece characterized by improvisation; ettle-to intend/to prepare; campanile-free standing bell tower; kerf-a groove or notch
Azrael-the angel that helps souls from living to enter the afterlife; recondite-not easily understood/abstruce;
periapt-a charm worn to ward of evil; juju-object believed to contain magical powers; contretemps-disruptive unforeseen event; protend-to hold out or stretch forth
Therewithal, profluent life ettles it's while.
Thitherward, from Death's bleak campanile
Grim antiphonals serenade.
A capriccio, the slashing swipe of the reaper's scythe
will serenade.
Stringent Death forthwith anoints the mithridate to
Life's cantankerous and rankling ado
Hither now come, anon recondite Azrael, neither protend
nor annex this throttled contretemps.
The antiphonal of the reaper's cavalier scythe
Shall now serenade.
Awhirl, like kerfs demarcated
Years, bollixed, muzzy and brattled
shall holus-bolus expire.
No retaliation to death's gloomy surcease
No ingenious riposte to the reaper's final cleave.
Bootless now to don the amulets,
squeeze the jujus,
Kiss the talismans,
clutch the periapts or
Attire in steely cataphract.
The serenading of the reaper's scythe,
it's efficacy shall blithely cleave.
Bedim mine eyes from life's assailing
Bedim mine eyes from life's poltroonery
Vocabulary: barghest-a goblin fabled to portend misfortune; monody-funeral song; antiphonal-chant; protend-to protract in time/lengthen; riposte-n. in fencing, a quick return/thrust; brattle-v.-to make rattling or clattering noises; cavalier-supercillious/disdainful/haughty; muzzy-hazy; attaint-v. to condemn; rankle-to give pain/nettle/gnaw; contretemps-untoward accident/hitch; throttle-v.to choke/suffocate/strangle/stiffle; bollix-v.-to bungle or botch; holus-bolus-adv.-all at once/altoghter; mithridate-antidote against poison; cataphract-suit of armor for the whole body; poltroonery-n. cowardice; a capriccio-musical piece characterized by improvisation; ettle-to intend/to prepare; campanile-free standing bell tower; kerf-a groove or notch
Azrael-the angel that helps souls from living to enter the afterlife; recondite-not easily understood/abstruce;
periapt-a charm worn to ward of evil; juju-object believed to contain magical powers; contretemps-disruptive unforeseen event; protend-to hold out or stretch forth
"Tout Lasse, Tout Casse, Tout Passe" by Hart
"Tout Lasse, Tout Casse, Tout Passe" by Hart
Ne me trompez pas Thanathos
Ne me regardez pas
Ne taillez pas votre épée nué à moi.
Un vaisseau de la vie pour moi.
Ne m'ésclavez pas dans votre horreur.
Un vaisseau de la vie pour moi.
Je vous supplie. Va t'en ésprits de malheur.
Non au rivièr Styx.
Je voudrais brûler
Dans la danse éternel de la vie.
More Foreign language poems at http://www.poetrypoem.com/hart1
Ne me trompez pas Thanathos
Ne me regardez pas
Ne taillez pas votre épée nué à moi.
Un vaisseau de la vie pour moi.
Ne m'ésclavez pas dans votre horreur.
Un vaisseau de la vie pour moi.
Je vous supplie. Va t'en ésprits de malheur.
Non au rivièr Styx.
Je voudrais brûler
Dans la danse éternel de la vie.
More Foreign language poems at http://www.poetrypoem.com/hart1
"I Gotta Gun" 2nd version by David Hart
"I Gotta Gun" 2nd version by David Hart
I gotta gun.
I'm somebody now.
O, to hold my gun.
I feel so big and
so strong.
I like killin' things.
Bottles and cans are OK
But something alive
To snuff out life
That's the fine exquisite
I feel so whole with my
gun. Why should I work
for other's respect when
I can get their fear and
respect by pullin' my gun.
To see blood splurt out
of some animal after I
plugged it good.
Yes. Yessss.
To snuff out life.
I feel like God.
I anxiously anticipate
someone giving me good
reason to use my gun.
someone rubbed me the
wrong way at work today.
I wouldn't think to ignore it,
I wouldn't think to get another job.
Maybe I'll go in and blow anyone
that has upset me away today.
I have no capacity to forgive
I have no capacity to forget.
I won't forget or forgive any
wrong done to me. I file it
away to latter get my revenge.
I only focus on my interpretation
of wrongs done to me.
I never think about all the
good that is afforded me
day after day.
I know I am OK.
Everyday, someone on the TV
has got a gun and is shooting
someone. Must be OK. It's
on the TV.
I got my gun and I ain't
never gonna forgive
and I ain't never gonna
I gotta gun.
I'm somebody now.
O, to hold my gun.
I feel so big and
so strong.
I like killin' things.
Bottles and cans are OK
But something alive
To snuff out life
That's the fine exquisite
I feel so whole with my
gun. Why should I work
for other's respect when
I can get their fear and
respect by pullin' my gun.
To see blood splurt out
of some animal after I
plugged it good.
Yes. Yessss.
To snuff out life.
I feel like God.
I anxiously anticipate
someone giving me good
reason to use my gun.
someone rubbed me the
wrong way at work today.
I wouldn't think to ignore it,
I wouldn't think to get another job.
Maybe I'll go in and blow anyone
that has upset me away today.
I have no capacity to forgive
I have no capacity to forget.
I won't forget or forgive any
wrong done to me. I file it
away to latter get my revenge.
I only focus on my interpretation
of wrongs done to me.
I never think about all the
good that is afforded me
day after day.
I know I am OK.
Everyday, someone on the TV
has got a gun and is shooting
someone. Must be OK. It's
on the TV.
I got my gun and I ain't
never gonna forgive
and I ain't never gonna
"Father" by Dave Hart
"Father" by Dave Hart
Father dreamed of dancing trees & flowers
Singing in elation
Father saw cars on pilgrimage
Bouncing like rubber balls
Down undulating streets
Father swirled in affectionate winds
Chanting cheery tunes
Waving his arms trying to fly high
Father stood on shivering streets
Teary clothes & shaking limbs
And smiles
Father smiled 10,000,000 times
And 1,000,000 times laughed out loud
Father's soul poured out music for
all to hear delighting
"El Padre" by David Hart (Translation by Daniel Tucker)
El Padre soñó con los arboles bailers y los flores
Contando con júbilo
El Padre miró las coches en peregrinación
Rebontando como si fueran pelotas de goma
Por las calles ondulandas
El Padre se arremolinó en los vientos sensibles
Cantando las tonadas alegres
Saludando con sus brazos queriendo volar alto
El Padre estaba de pie en las calles temblantes
Las ropas llorosas y las miembras sacudiendose y sonrisas
El Padre sonrió por diez millones de veces
Y un millón de veces se rió fuerte
El espiritu de Padre desahogó la musica para
Todos oyeran deleitándose
Translated into Spanish by Daniel Tucker 2007
Father dreamed of dancing trees & flowers
Singing in elation
Father saw cars on pilgrimage
Bouncing like rubber balls
Down undulating streets
Father swirled in affectionate winds
Chanting cheery tunes
Waving his arms trying to fly high
Father stood on shivering streets
Teary clothes & shaking limbs
And smiles
Father smiled 10,000,000 times
And 1,000,000 times laughed out loud
Father's soul poured out music for
all to hear delighting
"El Padre" by David Hart (Translation by Daniel Tucker)
El Padre soñó con los arboles bailers y los flores
Contando con júbilo
El Padre miró las coches en peregrinación
Rebontando como si fueran pelotas de goma
Por las calles ondulandas
El Padre se arremolinó en los vientos sensibles
Cantando las tonadas alegres
Saludando con sus brazos queriendo volar alto
El Padre estaba de pie en las calles temblantes
Las ropas llorosas y las miembras sacudiendose y sonrisas
El Padre sonrió por diez millones de veces
Y un millón de veces se rió fuerte
El espiritu de Padre desahogó la musica para
Todos oyeran deleitándose
Translated into Spanish by Daniel Tucker 2007
"From God to God" by David Hart
"From God to God" by David Hart
graves upon mournful graves
O, most heavy heart
Fie, release me from this.
from God to God
from God again to God
I fear. I anger.
minutes, hours, days,
weeks, months and years
from God now return to God.
clouds, dust, rain and sun
from God to God
from God, and again back
to God this day.
graves upon mournful graves
O, most heavy heart
Fie, release me from this.
from God to God
from God again to God
I fear. I anger.
minutes, hours, days,
weeks, months and years
from God now return to God.
clouds, dust, rain and sun
from God to God
from God, and again back
to God this day.
"Maintenant" a poem in French by David Hart
"Maintenant" a poem in French by David Hart
Tu et moi
comme le ciel
bleuâtre et noirâtre
Faisons une
promenade entre
les rues
meilleurs et
A rejouissance bruyant
Alons-y les restaurants
Splendides avec
Les tables ornent
Avec les nappes
Trainons aux hotels
facetieusement avec
amies joyeux.
Parlons des choses
Dancons dans les
Rues avec les
pieds heureux.
Et maintenant,
ce moment gallant
dans le temps.
Maintenant. Ici.
Rirons avec la joie
Non. A le passe
Non. A le futur
Ils n'existe pas
Maintenant sera le moment.
Maintenant sera toujours
le moment.
Tu et moi
comme le ciel
bleuâtre et noirâtre
Faisons une
promenade entre
les rues
meilleurs et
A rejouissance bruyant
Alons-y les restaurants
Splendides avec
Les tables ornent
Avec les nappes
Trainons aux hotels
facetieusement avec
amies joyeux.
Parlons des choses
Dancons dans les
Rues avec les
pieds heureux.
Et maintenant,
ce moment gallant
dans le temps.
Maintenant. Ici.
Rirons avec la joie
Non. A le passe
Non. A le futur
Ils n'existe pas
Maintenant sera le moment.
Maintenant sera toujours
le moment.
"Tristana" (Rough Draft) by David Hart
"Tristana" (Rough Draft) by David Hart
O, Tristana mine heart doth flutter with joy
For you--so lissom and lithe my Tristana
Tristana, most protean, under undulating skys
She gracefully dances in profluent ecstasy
My heart opens for the exhuberant Tristana
Amidst galliard crisp verdant fronds
The winds caress my dear sensuel Tristana
Vocab: galliard-lively; profluent-flowing forth
protean-ever changing, changeable;
O, Tristana mine heart doth flutter with joy
For you--so lissom and lithe my Tristana
Tristana, most protean, under undulating skys
She gracefully dances in profluent ecstasy
My heart opens for the exhuberant Tristana
Amidst galliard crisp verdant fronds
The winds caress my dear sensuel Tristana
Vocab: galliard-lively; profluent-flowing forth
protean-ever changing, changeable;
My first Hebrew poem "And" by David Hart
My first Hebrew poem "And" by David Hart
And alas I am now old
Being the First born
In my father's clan
Day and light
Earth and heavens
Alas, this soul
David, this man is.
The mountains delineate
My small size.
Yea, This man David
is a Man of Peace.
The actual egyptian text:
And alas I am now old
Being the First born
In my father's clan
Day and light
Earth and heavens
Alas, this soul
David, this man is.
The mountains delineate
My small size.
Yea, This man David
is a Man of Peace.
The actual egyptian text:
"An Admirable Man" by David Hart
"An Admirable Man" by David Hart
Inquisitive women wonder where
his secret lies.
An intriguing man with
an evocative mind.
It's the strength of his charms
The span of his mind
A rumbling tenor of his laugh
The flash of his eyes
He's a well experienced man
An admirable man
He enters a room as casual
as he pleases
And the yearning eyes of the
women follow him
Some fall to their knees
It's the fire of his thought
The flash of his wit
The song in his heart
The ecstasy of his kiss
He's a man. An extraordinary gent,
A mesmerizing tantalizing man
Women endlessly wonder
at his enigmatic smile
They can't touch his mystic style
He's a magnificent man,
An admirable man
To the ladies he's always
giving them hints.
But they are left exasperated
They simply can't get a handle
on his gift
He's a great man, a delighting man
With a glide in his slide
A man of tempestuous style
and scintillating grace
He doesn't speak loud
He doesn't have to act proud
His actions and words set the
girls in a whirl
He's a man of monumental personality
He's a man, a man of gargantuan glee
He's a fantastic gent, an admirable man
Inquisitive women wonder where
his secret lies.
An intriguing man with
an evocative mind.
It's the strength of his charms
The span of his mind
A rumbling tenor of his laugh
The flash of his eyes
He's a well experienced man
An admirable man
He enters a room as casual
as he pleases
And the yearning eyes of the
women follow him
Some fall to their knees
It's the fire of his thought
The flash of his wit
The song in his heart
The ecstasy of his kiss
He's a man. An extraordinary gent,
A mesmerizing tantalizing man
Women endlessly wonder
at his enigmatic smile
They can't touch his mystic style
He's a magnificent man,
An admirable man
To the ladies he's always
giving them hints.
But they are left exasperated
They simply can't get a handle
on his gift
He's a great man, a delighting man
With a glide in his slide
A man of tempestuous style
and scintillating grace
He doesn't speak loud
He doesn't have to act proud
His actions and words set the
girls in a whirl
He's a man of monumental personality
He's a man, a man of gargantuan glee
He's a fantastic gent, an admirable man
"dhanayavad " a poem in Hindi by Dave Hart
"dhanayavad " a poem in Hindi by Dave Hart
karta hu o bhagwan
surya chand
ke liye zill.
jangal aur pakshiyo
ke liye sunder
fool aur dharti key
liye taquat ladne ke liya.
karta hu o bhagwan
surya chand
ke liye zill.
jangal aur pakshiyo
ke liye sunder
fool aur dharti key
liye taquat ladne ke liya.
Tiny Little Things by David Hart
Tiny Little Things by David Hart
Spinning, swirling, air born, little tiny bits
Glitter and glisten.
These are mysterious
Blaze. Blaze mellifluous, mysterious, and
Tickling. Now to revel in their time.
Revel now from cheeky to wise.
Revel now from twilight to darkness.
Revel now from superstition
To knowledge.
Blaze mellifluous
From the wild antics of turmoil
'til the ends of time.
Spinning, swirling, air born, little tiny bits
Glitter and glisten.
These are mysterious
Blaze. Blaze mellifluous, mysterious, and
Tickling. Now to revel in their time.
Revel now from cheeky to wise.
Revel now from twilight to darkness.
Revel now from superstition
To knowledge.
Blaze mellifluous
From the wild antics of turmoil
'til the ends of time.
A Cette Nuit Refroidi par David Hart
A Cette Nuit Refroidi par David Hart
A cette nuit
au milieu
d'une mer
des couvertures,
petits chuchotements
percent la nuit
En repos,
le petit enfant
une petite tete
reste sur
un oreiller
A cette nuit refroidi,
cet oreiller
cette petite tete.
A cette nuit
au milieu
d'une mer
des couvertures,
petits chuchotements
percent la nuit
En repos,
le petit enfant
une petite tete
reste sur
un oreiller
A cette nuit refroidi,
cet oreiller
cette petite tete.
"A Song of Peace" by David Hart اغنية السلام في
"A Song of Peace" by David Hart اغنية السلام في
A Song of Peace
Morning, Afternoon,
and Night
Don't kill.
Don't kill.
Quickly to peace.
I am
the beautiful
wind of peace
I am
a wind of
beautiful peace.
Peace pleases Allah.
Peace pleases Allah.
From morning until night,
Beautiful peace.
اغنية السلام في
الصباح وبعد الظهر
والليل ، لا تقتل.
لا تقتل. بسرعة الى
السلام. انا جميلة
رياح السلام
أنا ريح الجميل
السلام. سلام يرضي
الله. سلام يرضي
الله. من الصباح
حتى الليل وجميلة السلام.
A Song of Peace
Morning, Afternoon,
and Night
Don't kill.
Don't kill.
Quickly to peace.
I am
the beautiful
wind of peace
I am
a wind of
beautiful peace.
Peace pleases Allah.
Peace pleases Allah.
From morning until night,
Beautiful peace.
اغنية السلام في
الصباح وبعد الظهر
والليل ، لا تقتل.
لا تقتل. بسرعة الى
السلام. انا جميلة
رياح السلام
أنا ريح الجميل
السلام. سلام يرضي
الله. سلام يرضي
الله. من الصباح
حتى الليل وجميلة السلام.
The Man in the Cardboard Box by Dave Hart
The Man in the Cardboard Box by Dave Hart
The man in the cardboard box
Maybe sleeping something off
Tattered and rank
That could be you or I there
But for whims of fate.
The man in the cardboard box
He is your brother
He is your father
He is your uncle
He is your son
But for whims of fate.
The man in the cardboard box
I don't think his major need
is food or clothing or rent
The man in the cardboard box
needs compassion, empathy,
friendship and love.
The man in the cardboard box
has a story to tell and needs
someone to not only listen but
to act.
I was a man in a cardboard
box years ago.
Человек в картонную коробку
Может быть, спит-то покинуть
Tattered и звания
Это может быть и вы или я там
Но по прихоти судьбы.
Человек в картонную коробку
Он ваш брат
Он твой отец
Он ваш дядя
Он ваш сын
Но по прихоти судьбы.
Человек в картонную коробку
Я не думаю, что его основные необходимость
это питание или одежду или арендовать
Человек в картонную коробку
потребности сострадание, сопереживание,
дружбы и любви.
Человек в картонную коробку
есть рассказать и потребностей
кто-то, чтобы не только слушать, но
Я был человеком в картонную
ящик лет назад.
L'homme de la boîte en carton
Peut-être quelque chose de hors du sommeil
Cela pourrait être vous ou moi, il
Mais pour les caprices du destin.
L'homme de la boîte en carton
Il est ton frère
Il est de votre père
Il est de votre oncle
Il est de votre fils
Mais pour les caprices du destin.
L'homme de la boîte en carton
Je ne pense pas que son grand besoin
C'est de la nourriture ou des vêtements ou louer
L'homme de la boîte en carton
Besoins de la compassion, l'empathie,
L'amitié et l'amour.
L'homme de la boîte en carton
A une histoire à raconter et des besoins
Quelqu'un qui non seulement écouter, mais
J'étais un homme dans un carton
Case ans.
الرجل في المربع الكرتون
ربما شيء من النوم
باليه ورتبته
يمكن أن تكون أنت أو أنا هناك
ولكن لأهواء مصير.
الرجل في المربع الكرتون
فهو اخوك
وهو أباك
وهو الخاص بك العم
فهو ابنك
ولكن لأهواء مصير.
الرجل في المربع الكرتون
لا اعتقد ان صاحب الحاجة الرئيسية
هو الغذاء او الملبس او الايجار
الرجل في المربع الكرتون
احتياجات الشفقه ، والتعاطف ،
الصداقه والحب.
الرجل في المربع الكرتون
وقد أخبر قصة لوالاحتياجات
ليس فقط الى شخص يستمع ولكن
الى الفعل.
كنت رجلا في الكرتون
المربع منذ سنوات.
The man in the cardboard box
Maybe sleeping something off
Tattered and rank
That could be you or I there
But for whims of fate.
The man in the cardboard box
He is your brother
He is your father
He is your uncle
He is your son
But for whims of fate.
The man in the cardboard box
I don't think his major need
is food or clothing or rent
The man in the cardboard box
needs compassion, empathy,
friendship and love.
The man in the cardboard box
has a story to tell and needs
someone to not only listen but
to act.
I was a man in a cardboard
box years ago.
Человек в картонную коробку
Может быть, спит-то покинуть
Tattered и звания
Это может быть и вы или я там
Но по прихоти судьбы.
Человек в картонную коробку
Он ваш брат
Он твой отец
Он ваш дядя
Он ваш сын
Но по прихоти судьбы.
Человек в картонную коробку
Я не думаю, что его основные необходимость
это питание или одежду или арендовать
Человек в картонную коробку
потребности сострадание, сопереживание,
дружбы и любви.
Человек в картонную коробку
есть рассказать и потребностей
кто-то, чтобы не только слушать, но
Я был человеком в картонную
ящик лет назад.
L'homme de la boîte en carton
Peut-être quelque chose de hors du sommeil
Cela pourrait être vous ou moi, il
Mais pour les caprices du destin.
L'homme de la boîte en carton
Il est ton frère
Il est de votre père
Il est de votre oncle
Il est de votre fils
Mais pour les caprices du destin.
L'homme de la boîte en carton
Je ne pense pas que son grand besoin
C'est de la nourriture ou des vêtements ou louer
L'homme de la boîte en carton
Besoins de la compassion, l'empathie,
L'amitié et l'amour.
L'homme de la boîte en carton
A une histoire à raconter et des besoins
Quelqu'un qui non seulement écouter, mais
J'étais un homme dans un carton
Case ans.
الرجل في المربع الكرتون
ربما شيء من النوم
باليه ورتبته
يمكن أن تكون أنت أو أنا هناك
ولكن لأهواء مصير.
الرجل في المربع الكرتون
فهو اخوك
وهو أباك
وهو الخاص بك العم
فهو ابنك
ولكن لأهواء مصير.
الرجل في المربع الكرتون
لا اعتقد ان صاحب الحاجة الرئيسية
هو الغذاء او الملبس او الايجار
الرجل في المربع الكرتون
احتياجات الشفقه ، والتعاطف ،
الصداقه والحب.
الرجل في المربع الكرتون
وقد أخبر قصة لوالاحتياجات
ليس فقط الى شخص يستمع ولكن
الى الفعل.
كنت رجلا في الكرتون
المربع منذ سنوات.
"Spellbound" by David Hart
"Spellbound" by David Hart
Spellbound, amazed, in awe,
Tickled with
Wonderment, a multitude of loves
Gained and loves lost, delighted
To walk through canyons of
Skyscrapers and forests laden
With trees, showered in warm
Splashing puddlishous rain falls, and
Showered in gentle tones of
Admirations, battered by cold
Cutting winds and shouts of
Walking tall and proud like
The Kodiak bear, flying and
Flitting hither and yon,
Like the Monarch butterfly,
Treading softly and quietly like
A brown and white rabbit
Celebrating at others triumphs,
And accomplishments, remorseful
At my fellows low points in life,
I continue in joy and sorrow ever
Looking forward and into the sun,
To a gift of another most
Delicious day.
Spellbound, amazed, in awe,
Tickled with
Wonderment, a multitude of loves
Gained and loves lost, delighted
To walk through canyons of
Skyscrapers and forests laden
With trees, showered in warm
Splashing puddlishous rain falls, and
Showered in gentle tones of
Admirations, battered by cold
Cutting winds and shouts of
Walking tall and proud like
The Kodiak bear, flying and
Flitting hither and yon,
Like the Monarch butterfly,
Treading softly and quietly like
A brown and white rabbit
Celebrating at others triumphs,
And accomplishments, remorseful
At my fellows low points in life,
I continue in joy and sorrow ever
Looking forward and into the sun,
To a gift of another most
Delicious day.
"In the Rain" by David Hart
"In the Rain" by David Hart
Standing, listening, waiting.
Hearing many sounds
& muffled voices.
In the rain, clicking,
clacking drops
and droplets splashing
bouncing down. A wet silky
blue grey swirling sky.
listening, waiting.
Nature's wet caress.
The murmur of the rain.
Standing, listening, waiting.
Hearing many sounds
& muffled voices.
In the rain, clicking,
clacking drops
and droplets splashing
bouncing down. A wet silky
blue grey swirling sky.
listening, waiting.
Nature's wet caress.
The murmur of the rain.
"This Moment in Time" by David Hart
"This Moment in Time" by David Hart
Leaves gleefully joyride
an undulating stream
Under crisp scintillating
sun light.
A butterfly rests in the
hand of God.
A sword is tightly clasped
in Allah's hand.
A flower is caressed by
the Buddha.
Now a break in fervent
faith occurs.
A group of children laugh
and peer at an ant farm.
A butterfly ascends from
the hand of God.
A sword cascades to the
ground from Allah's hand.
A small child delights
upon receiving the Buddha's
A giddy wind now weaves lovingly
through ticklish trees.
Leaves gleefully joyride
an undulating stream
Under crisp scintillating
sun light.
A butterfly rests in the
hand of God.
A sword is tightly clasped
in Allah's hand.
A flower is caressed by
the Buddha.
Now a break in fervent
faith occurs.
A group of children laugh
and peer at an ant farm.
A butterfly ascends from
the hand of God.
A sword cascades to the
ground from Allah's hand.
A small child delights
upon receiving the Buddha's
A giddy wind now weaves lovingly
through ticklish trees.
"Winds" by David Hart
"Winds" by David Hart
Winds of fright
Winds as foe
Winds contrite
Winds out of control
Whiffle and glow
Whiffle and glow
A tempest's might
A tempest trite
Now explode
In splintered plight
Pleas rebuked
Pleas ignored
Pleas scorned
Winds' delight
Winds this night
Swirl and flow
Ветры страха
Ветры, как недруга
Ветры покаяться
Ветры из-под контроля
Твист и сияния
поворот и сияния
А может вихрем в
А вихрем банально
Теперь взрыв
В раскол тяжелого
Призывы о необходимости
Игнорируют призывы
Призывы презираемыми
Ветры в радость
Ветер в эту ночь
Вихревой поток и
поворот и сияния
“Los Vientos” por David Hart (Translated by Daniel Tucker 2007 December)
Vientos del miedo
Vientos como un enemigo
Vientos arrepentidos
Vientos incontrolables
Soplan y brillan
Soplan y brillan
La fuerza de una tempestad
Una tempestad añeja
Ahora estalle
En apuro roto
Súplicas reprendidas
Súplicas ignoradas
Súplicas despreciadas
La alegría del viento
Los vientos esta noche
Remolinan y fluyen
Winds of fright
Winds as foe
Winds contrite
Winds out of control
Whiffle and glow
Whiffle and glow
A tempest's might
A tempest trite
Now explode
In splintered plight
Pleas rebuked
Pleas ignored
Pleas scorned
Winds' delight
Winds this night
Swirl and flow
Ветры страха
Ветры, как недруга
Ветры покаяться
Ветры из-под контроля
Твист и сияния
поворот и сияния
А может вихрем в
А вихрем банально
Теперь взрыв
В раскол тяжелого
Призывы о необходимости
Игнорируют призывы
Призывы презираемыми
Ветры в радость
Ветер в эту ночь
Вихревой поток и
поворот и сияния
“Los Vientos” por David Hart (Translated by Daniel Tucker 2007 December)
Vientos del miedo
Vientos como un enemigo
Vientos arrepentidos
Vientos incontrolables
Soplan y brillan
Soplan y brillan
La fuerza de una tempestad
Una tempestad añeja
Ahora estalle
En apuro roto
Súplicas reprendidas
Súplicas ignoradas
Súplicas despreciadas
La alegría del viento
Los vientos esta noche
Remolinan y fluyen
Dream by David Hart
Dream by David Hart
A melodious dream
recalling the
blinking, twinkling
Dreaming now of a
Quixotic reminiscent
tantalizing time of love.
Luscious, luxuriant,
magnificent love.
The great havoc of love.
My Dream
(English Translation of Hart Russian Poem 2007 Dec)
A melodious dream
recalling the
blinking, twinkling
Dreaming now of a
Quixotic reminiscent
tantalizing time of love.
Luscious, luxuriant,
magnificent love.
The great havoc of love.
My Dream
(English Translation of Hart Russian Poem 2007 Dec)
A Ladybug Cuddles by David Hart
A Ladybug Cuddles by David Hart
A ladybug cuddles
and toys with a tree
A blue and white butterfly,
romps in elation,
betwixt and between,
a sleepy pond
and a field of
singing sunflowers.
A waking squirrel,
his buried treasure.
A ladybug cuddles
and toys with a tree
A blue and white butterfly,
romps in elation,
betwixt and between,
a sleepy pond
and a field of
singing sunflowers.
A waking squirrel,
his buried treasure.
"Hwaet " (olde English for Behold!) by Hart
"Hwaet " (olde English for Behold!) by Hart
Lightening with snow
Lightening with hail
O wintering fright
Of thundering might
Hwaet, cruel fierce
winds abound
On high they pound
A freezy sky
A malicious on high
jettison crystal chunks, spears,
and orbs
Earth bound down
to the frail and fair
Three hundred trillion
Tons of malevolent ice,
Rain and white frozen
laced flakes
To weak roof tops
cities and lakes.
Months of mounds
Months of dread
Months of fright
O a heavy heart
Regrets for the
The frigid fist
the pounding fright
The streams of prayers
For multiple
tear filled nights.
Lightening with snow
Lightening with hail
O wintering fright
Of thundering might
Hwaet, cruel fierce
winds abound
On high they pound
A freezy sky
A malicious on high
jettison crystal chunks, spears,
and orbs
Earth bound down
to the frail and fair
Three hundred trillion
Tons of malevolent ice,
Rain and white frozen
laced flakes
To weak roof tops
cities and lakes.
Months of mounds
Months of dread
Months of fright
O a heavy heart
Regrets for the
The frigid fist
the pounding fright
The streams of prayers
For multiple
tear filled nights.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
My Italian Friend Reads
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