Friday, January 15, 2010

The Seasons of Your Love by David Hart (eng,finn,bulg,dutch)

The Seasons of Your Love by David Hart (eng,finn,bulg,dutch)

When bright lightening
Slices through the
Soft blue sky and
Your eyes delightfully
Dance in joy and glee,
My heart does gloriously sing.

Anon, seasons sprightly go
hither and yon.

Amidst the swirling orange and yellow leaves of
Autumn's caress, your pixie
Smile beams resplendent and light.

When bright jagged lightening cleaves
The pliant blue black night,
Your gentle soothing love bathes
my yearning heart this fair night.

Finnish Translation by Hart

Kun kirkas kevennysjärjestelmistä
Lohkot kautta
Soft sinistä taivasta ja
Silmäsi kauniisti
Tanssi iloa ja onnea,
Sydämeni ei onneksi laulaa.

Anon, vuodenaikoihin kevyesti mennä
hither ja yon.

Amidst, pyörittäen varovasti oranssi ja keltainen lehdet
Syksyn väriä,
sydän-palkkien paistaa ja valoa.

Kun kirkas sahalaitaisten kevennysjärjestelmistä palat
The pliant sininen musta yö,
Your hellävarainen rauhoittava rakkaus kylpee
minun ikävä sydämessä tämä reilua yö.

Bulgarian Trans. by Hart

Всички сезони на вашата любов чрез Давид Харт
Когато ярки облекчаване
Резени чрез
Софт синьо небе и
Очите ти красиво
Танци в радост и щастие,
Сърцето ми дошли щастливо пеят.

О, времена леко излиза
тук и там

Сред swirling оранжеви и жълти листа на
Есен на докосване, вашият
сърце греди блестят и светлина.

Когато ярки Потискане на назъбените облекчаване разфасовки
В pliant син черен вечер,
Вашата нежна любов soothing успокоява
копнежа на сърцето ми тази вечер справедливо.

Dutch trans. by Hart

De Seizoenen van uw Liefde door David Hart
Bij de felle verlichting
Moten door middel van de
rustige blauwe lucht en
Uw ogen prachtig
jump in vreugde en geluk,
Mijn hart gaat vrolijk zingen.

seizoenen lichtjes gaan
hier en daar

Temidden van het kolkende oranje en gele bladeren van
Autumn's aanraken, uw
hart balken schijnt en het licht.

Bij de felle verlichting gekarteld bezuinigingen
De meegaande blauw zwarte nacht,
Uw zachte rustgevende liefde kalmeert
mijn verlangen hart deze beurs nacht.

Day Break by David Hart

Daybreak by David Hart
Daybreak Day break.
The yellowing-yawning
sun doth
now Emblazen
a jigsaw horizon.

Color feasts of
bedizen the once
nigrescent/purple sky.

Birds languish
in a warm toasty
breeze amidst
undulating greenery
chirping their loving ado.

A fat frog primps
and cleans His bug-eyes
with his
Wet-winding slimy tongue.

Someones and no ones
will ever Be after one's name,

Nothings and somethings
will Never be in the game.

Perched on a polite park bench
Without a serious care

O, tantalizing life. Someone
in a war-trench under
fire isn't thinking
about military rank.

O, enigmatic life
bestead my
then-times reticent
tread whence I pontoon
down the cold
River Styx.

An instinct to trust
Tends to go bust,

An instinct to reject
Mayhap a time to reflect
wanting always to trust
alwaysing hoping
for a love to confect.

The evers will say their nothings

The sames will cherish their somethings

Anon, one hopes to avoid
all prickly little stings.

Help, caresses,
love and fame
ever nothing
to be to their name,

NEver something
to be their
wailing Claim.

Sometimes ideals
erode effortlessly
in pain,
sometimes in short-lived
winds of fame.

In the Rain by David Hart (In Eng and Span)

"In the Rain" by David Hart (In Eng and Span)
Standing, listening, waiting.
Hearing many sounds
& muffled voices.

In the rain, clicking,
clacking drops
and droplets
bouncing down.

A wet silky
blue gray
swirling sky.

Murmurs. Standing,
listening, waiting.

Nature's wet caress.
The murmur of the rain.

En Francais
d'écoute, d'attente.

Audition de
nombreux sons
& Voix étouffées.

Sous la pluie,
un déclic
gouttes et les

rebondir vers
le bas.

Une soyeuse
mouillée bleu
ciel gris tourbillonnant.
Murmures. Debout,
écoute, d'attente.

Caresse humide
de la Nature.
Le murmure de la pluie.
"Verazmente Falsamente"
por David Hart (Translation by Daniel Tucker Feb 2008)
Las verdades que s
e diga Por El veraz
A los mentirosos

Se Tocado Como
Por los que mienten.
Mentiras diga
Al veraz Frecuentemente se

Tocado como Verdades.
Buenos hechos
Que caen en los
Que tienen malas

Se ven frecuentemente
Como un deservicio.
Eventos desafortunados
Que caen en Ésos con
buenas intenciones

Renden pensamientos
De el mensaje secreto
De una fuerza más alta.

Moi, Volant? par Monsieur David Hart

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"Rip Van Winkle's
Moi, Volant? par David Hart Moi, Volant? par David Hart Me, Flying? by David Hart Moi, volant aux nuages grises Me flying in greying Et blancs en haut legerement and whitening clouds Flottant dans le ciel faineant Flying in the (lazy) sky avec mon Parapluie par-dessus (above) with my umbrella Moi, quelquefois, je suis un sorte d'un Me Sometimes a sort of happy jouet joli (village idiot Une vie de temps en temps From Time to time Une fadaise fabuleusement a fabulous (trifle) Et Etonnamment and (astonishingly) J'ai l'intention de dechiffre I want to (decipher) Les mysteres, les mysteres de le ciel mystique mysteries, mysteries of the mystic sky Maintenant les vents mugissement Now the winds (bellowing) Ne blasphemez pa la nature! Don't blaspheme nature! Bien heureux sont les gens simples (blessed) are the simple people Bien seant (decent) and Et Bienveillant (kind) Sont les fleurs bigarrures are the(motley)flowers Au-dess ous (Under) the great bluing and le grand ciel blueatre et blanchatre whitenin sky Je blottis I huddle cuddle I (snuggle) affectuesement et Affectionately and Etourdissement dizzily) with my Avec Mes amours etincellement, (sparkling) loves, Les nuages grimpants the (climbing) clouds DHart2009USA Posted by David Hart
"Rip Van Winkle's Crimson Tears" in Eng & Fren
Rip van Winkle's Crimson Tears by David Hart
Rip Van Winkle's crystal crimson tears
Shatter as sea gulls flit and cheer

A child's toy building doth tumble and crash
While a moon sky casts a rumbling flash

Rene Descartes ponders in an iron stove
Mining his mind for the treasure trove

Siggy Freud dreams of tunnels and holes
Riding a big cigar scrapping other's souls

Majesterial Mercury preens his taleria in bliss
Musing and fretting, his thoughts quite amiss

Rip Van Winkle's blood red years
Fail to quell the fanfaronade of tears

Rumplestilskin rows in a blue yellow kayak
Up to the sun in a fervid fulgurant attack

From the fear filled misery of a military trench
To the quiet muted cries of a hard park bench

Not much ado for a hero these days
The hero's in a cardboard box which forever sighs

Longing for just one empathetic caress
Now worn down with a soul full of duress

Rip Van Winkle's sanguine sorrowful tears
Yield scant surcease to a deluge of fears
"Rip Van Winkle's Larmes Rouge»
de David Hart Crystal
Larmes de Rip Van Winkle's son sanguinaire
Crasse mouettes volent et chère
De jouets de construction
d'un enfant plonge
ses racines linge et
est mouri
Tandis que le ciel lune
jette un éclair gronde

René Descartes médite
dans une poêle
en fonte pensant
son esprit pour le trésor

Siggy Freud rêves de galeries
et de trous
Conduire un gros cigare
à la démolition
des autres âmes

Lisse et rapide, Mercury peignes
son taleria dans
le bonheur
Rêveur et inquiétant,
ses pensées tout un gâchis

Sanguinaire Rip Van Winkle's l'annees rouges
Ne parviennent pas à arrêter
l'océan de larmes

Rumplestilskin lignes
dans un bateau jaune bleu
Place au soleil dans
un attentat à feu ardent
De la crainte remplie misère
d'une tranchée militaire

Pour la sourdine calme
cris d'un banc de parc dur
Pas beaucoup de bruit
pour un héros de nos jours

Du héros dans une boîte
en carton qui soupire
toujours desirant
pour une seule caresse

Aujourd'hui porté vers
le bas avec une âme
pleine de contrainte

Rip Van Winkle's sanguine larmes de tristesse
Rendement cesser
peu à un déluge
de craintes
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------------ Click Here To Read My Poetry -----------<< [Previous] "Rip Van Winkle's Crimson Tears" in Eng & Fren Moi, Volant? par David Hart "Il Re, Usciva Ogni Giorno" by David Hart The Seasons of Your Love by David Hart (eng,finn,bulg,dutch) The Saw Tooth Blade by David Hart Daybreak by David Hart ''On Gelid Night'' by David Hart "In the Rain" by David Hart (In Eng and Span) [More Poetry - ] -->> The Poetry of David Hart

PHantasmagoria by David Hart

Phantasmagoria by David Hart
You gaze silently
and stare squinting
through your stained glass panes.

Now pulling aside
sapphire drapes
of flowing somber samite
Replete with glowing organdy
You gaze out.

Lo, a lazy mesmerized
quixotic moon--
blithely blows kisses,
wryly winks
and coyly smiles.

Yea, a light seesaw of a day
of ecstasy and spritely delight--
now wanes to a quiet evening tune.

Transfixed you
muse --attent through moist
window panes.

And now enter the past pains
a flowing Rorschach panorama
of fluid specters--

a pentimento painting
of myriad serpentine days
into mellifluous mellowing nights.

Now mirthful,
this moon merrily
mills reticent
clouds in a star
clustered plight.

The meeting with Morpheus...
--wondering of his mood--
cheery and cherry,
one hopes.


In the soft security
of your pliant bed--
a weary cheek cradled
in thoughts of this
day now blithely tread--

a voice and vision from the past--
"night night
nighty nite
sleep tight".

in a dream

Floating in the night skyscape
. . a phantasmagoria
of sensual sights and sounds. .

riding in a catamaran of gilded silk. .
over the still quiet town.

There's the tailor's shop,
the market place,
and the gurgling fountains of the park.

On to other lands afar. .
the Taj Mahal. .
the Great Wall of China
the winged maneuvers of a lark


Dreaming . . .
reeling red and yellow
sea horses laugh and dance
you roar
over tree tops . . .
mermaids now samba agog
with cheshire cats to the
music of Sergei Rachmaninoff .
shooting stars
of blue purple catching
bolts of lightening

Dearest one
awake now
and stir . . .
To scents of frankincense
and myrrh . . voices of the past.

Long lingering in your cozy warm bed . .
with thoughts
tantalizing in your graceful head . .

Birds twitter
and herald yon
day's new light . . .
a new morn sun yields
David Hart 2006