Poetry, Art Works, Piano Compositions by an Oil Painting Artist -- Mr. David Hart -- resides in a small University town in Illinois. Prose as well
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Elizabeth Reads "INVERNALE" Video sent by hartistry
''Guns of Winter'' or "Invernale"by David Hart Now the powdered chimney's breath Exhales canescent puffs Cruel wiley winter blasts harsh Pummelling all in it's icy sights Houses grimace grotesquely and eaves groan moanfully Donning a new set of crystalline teeth Anon, shivering birds seem hesitant Swathed in winter's slicing binds Icily gothic chandelier trees Their crackly boughs must cleave Obedient to the will of winter's might The crucible cold holds all to it's sniping tribulations Pelican trucks gooble up white streets People hug themselves more these days, While crunchshuffling along, teeth blurred clattering in a symphony of spasm grunting cars. 2002DavidHartUSA
Squirrel with Wiggly Tail Video sent by hartistry
A Squirrel with a wiggly tail
Gavotte for Piano by David Hart Video sent by hartistry
Short piece composed by David Hart
An Artist Discuss Future Possibilities Video sent by hartistry
Kyla talks about future ideas with her career in art
kyla me montre son caret de croquis Video sent by hartistry
Kyla me montre son carnet de croquis
Sonnet Twelve by Wm Shakespeare Video sent by hartistry
Recitation by Hart