Poetry, Art Works, Piano Compositions by an Oil Painting Artist -- Mr. David Hart -- resides in a small University town in Illinois. Prose as well
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007
"Maman" par Monsieur David Hart
"Maman" par Monsieur David Hart
et cinglant
elle fait
avec la grâce
d'une faune
gentille sur l'étage
Ses pieds tremblotant
et délicats
elle fait flotter
et charmante
Maman si capricieuse
si élégant
elle aime la danse
avec tout
son coeur
Maman comme
un papillon
voltigant et
survole dans
le clair de la lune.
Maman comme
est étourdi
légère et volage,l'Oiseau-Mouche
et cinglant
elle fait
avec la grâce
d'une faune
gentille sur l'étage
Ses pieds tremblotant
et délicats
elle fait flotter
et charmante
Maman si capricieuse
si élégant
elle aime la danse
avec tout
son coeur
Maman comme
un papillon
voltigant et
survole dans
le clair de la lune.
Maman comme
est étourdi
légère et volage,l'Oiseau-Mouche
“Lasciare il dio scelto è„ David Hart
“Lasciare il dio scelto è„ David Hart
“Lasciare il dio scelto è„
da permesso del cervo maschio del
D. quei scelti che sono --Le forze di diablo
fanno attenzione a queste
poco-- Piaceri visivi grandi
del Chagall-- Altezze del virtuoso
del Rubenstein--
Quelli dello Scheherazade
e del Rubaiyat hanno perso il loro senso--
Ché poco mondo sarebbe-
- Senza il maravighlioso del dio scelto
liberamente per essere--
Senza Einstein che cosa la scienza vedrebbe--
Nessuno. Nessuno su questa terra magnifica
grande ostacola o arresta tutti i
musulmani dalle loro ricerche islamiche--
Quelli dello Scheherazade e del
Omar Khayyam hanno perso
il loro senso--
Più tempo a kiblah
verso il kaaba--
Nient'altro. Più intenzione
diabolica. Più intenzione
o atti murderous. Più massacro.
--Alla preghiera ora.
Ad amore ora.
Al hadj a Kaaba alla pietra
nera del Abraham
all'amore di Allah.
Tutta di tutte le corse
e tutta la credenza sono
amavano da Allah.
Tutti sono bambini di Allah.
davidhart 2006
“Lasciare il dio scelto è„
da permesso del cervo maschio del
D. quei scelti che sono --Le forze di diablo
fanno attenzione a queste
poco-- Piaceri visivi grandi
del Chagall-- Altezze del virtuoso
del Rubenstein--
Quelli dello Scheherazade
e del Rubaiyat hanno perso il loro senso--
Ché poco mondo sarebbe-
- Senza il maravighlioso del dio scelto
liberamente per essere--
Senza Einstein che cosa la scienza vedrebbe--
Nessuno. Nessuno su questa terra magnifica
grande ostacola o arresta tutti i
musulmani dalle loro ricerche islamiche--
Quelli dello Scheherazade e del
Omar Khayyam hanno perso
il loro senso--
Più tempo a kiblah
verso il kaaba--
Nient'altro. Più intenzione
diabolica. Più intenzione
o atti murderous. Più massacro.
--Alla preghiera ora.
Ad amore ora.
Al hadj a Kaaba alla pietra
nera del Abraham
all'amore di Allah.
Tutta di tutte le corse
e tutta la credenza sono
amavano da Allah.
Tutti sono bambini di Allah.
davidhart 2006
"'R Bysgota Yn Argeiso Gwir" by Hart
"'R Bysgota Yn Argeiso Gwir" by Hart
Yn cael arian
bath 'n
ag dywod
'r bysgota
'r batha
Yn cael arian
bath 'n
ag dywod
'r bysgota
'r batha
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
"When I go" by David Hart
When I finally go from here
I'd like to return as a
Cloud in the sky of blue.
Floating endlessly from dawn
'til darkly night.
When I pass from life awhirl
I'd like to come back as a
Perky ladybug and alight upon
young ladies' shoulders and
whisper sweet talk in
their ears.
When I finally go from here
I'd like to return as a giant
volcano resting quietly to then
surprise spew lava flying up
through the the welcoming sky.
When I go from my earthly chair,
I'd like to return as a great
Ocean filled with fish and fauna
Running through my watery veins.
Dolphins tickling my ribs and
fish shoals of fish swerving
and darting about in my brain.
I'll lavish loving wet caressess
to shores near and afar.
Anon, once I depart from life's
Joys and woes, I might like to
reappear as a bushy tailed
Squirrel scampering and clawing
ground and trees. I'd wiggle my
nose and tail to all passersby.
Alas, upon my exit of this glorious trek,
I should like to quietly reconvene
as a regal eagle soaring o'er mountains
and weaving betwixt and between towering
skyscrapers and majestic trees calling out
to one and all.
After my departure from a life splendid
and keen, I will come back a summer wind.
Cooling one and all from hot summer days,
Swirling and twirling for all to feel.
I'd like to return as a
Cloud in the sky of blue.
Floating endlessly from dawn
'til darkly night.
When I pass from life awhirl
I'd like to come back as a
Perky ladybug and alight upon
young ladies' shoulders and
whisper sweet talk in
their ears.
When I finally go from here
I'd like to return as a giant
volcano resting quietly to then
surprise spew lava flying up
through the the welcoming sky.
When I go from my earthly chair,
I'd like to return as a great
Ocean filled with fish and fauna
Running through my watery veins.
Dolphins tickling my ribs and
fish shoals of fish swerving
and darting about in my brain.
I'll lavish loving wet caressess
to shores near and afar.
Anon, once I depart from life's
Joys and woes, I might like to
reappear as a bushy tailed
Squirrel scampering and clawing
ground and trees. I'd wiggle my
nose and tail to all passersby.
Alas, upon my exit of this glorious trek,
I should like to quietly reconvene
as a regal eagle soaring o'er mountains
and weaving betwixt and between towering
skyscrapers and majestic trees calling out
to one and all.
After my departure from a life splendid
and keen, I will come back a summer wind.
Cooling one and all from hot summer days,
Swirling and twirling for all to feel.
Monday, February 12, 2007
"And" by David Hart
並且我是他計時知道不是, 並且是我他關心 不是? 分鐘能喜歡幾小時捕食並且幾小時可能喜歡分鐘迷路者
並且顏色跳舞當音樂豎趾旋轉-- 打旋的和諧輕推, 蠕動, 顛簸和跳躍在步
當秒鐘可能喜歡幾天侵略和幾年可能喜歡分鐘遊行, 並且押韻的顏色裡裡外外漂浮和目炫從一個沉默經常產生呼喊。 是, 時間, 作為永遠是稱讚我在銷魂大漩渦沒有雲香祈禱時間, 拋棄我不是真實的。
並且分鐘從未熔化入幾小時以一次戰鬥, 為一個愛經常被譴責, 嘲笑他的境況
並且顏色跳舞當音樂豎趾旋轉-- 打旋的和諧輕推, 蠕動, 顛簸和跳躍在步
當秒鐘可能喜歡幾天侵略和幾年可能喜歡分鐘遊行, 並且押韻的顏色裡裡外外漂浮和目炫從一個沉默經常產生呼喊。 是, 時間, 作為永遠是稱讚我在銷魂大漩渦沒有雲香祈禱時間, 拋棄我不是真實的。
並且分鐘從未熔化入幾小時以一次戰鬥, 為一個愛經常被譴責, 嘲笑他的境況
"Taim Inniu" by David Hart
"La Pellicolo de Fumetto Astuta Grande" - David Hart
'La Pellicolo de Fumetto Astuta Grande'' by David Hart
Camminado, camminado, camminado, con la farfalla del riccio
Piacere e piacere, farfalla allegra e riccio
La gioia lo riempie nel mio giardino.
Acclamazione sul mio angelo--
benvenuto--armonia divine.
Il principe de donchisisciottesco,
Principe meraviglioso,
Arde una traccia con piacere nel mio giardino
Pazzo, ho sensibilita dell'amore
Per la pia farfalla
Ed il mio riccio.
Sensibilita, sensibilita, sensibilita,
Intorno ed intorno a che esplosioni
Meravigliose del riso in qualche luogo
Intorno ed intorno al principe donschisisciottesco
Nel mio giardiono.
(originally written by Hart in Russian 2001)
Camminado, camminado, camminado, con la farfalla del riccio
Piacere e piacere, farfalla allegra e riccio
La gioia lo riempie nel mio giardino.
Acclamazione sul mio angelo--
benvenuto--armonia divine.
Il principe de donchisisciottesco,
Principe meraviglioso,
Arde una traccia con piacere nel mio giardino
Pazzo, ho sensibilita dell'amore
Per la pia farfalla
Ed il mio riccio.
Sensibilita, sensibilita, sensibilita,
Intorno ed intorno a che esplosioni
Meravigliose del riso in qualche luogo
Intorno ed intorno al principe donschisisciottesco
Nel mio giardiono.
(originally written by Hart in Russian 2001)
"Les Lumieres Entrecroise Vite" Par Monsieur David Hart
"Les Lumieres Entrecroise Vite" Par Monsieur David Hart
Voyez! Voyez! Voyez!
Les Images Les Espoirs Les Desires et Souhaits
Rirez! Poussez des cris percants!
Babillez Discutez!
Jouez Frappez Sautez Glissez Rirez
Parlez Montrez Du Doight Conduissez Manger Tournez
Claquez Des Mains --Dancez --Battrez Des Mains
Martelez Goutez -- Sautez Dehors Glissez
Rebondez Exprimez Demandez Repondez
Marchez Regardez--Devisagez! Devisagez!
Devisagez! Devisagez!
Voyez! Voyez! Voyez!
Les Images Les Espoirs Les Desires et Souhaits
Rirez! Poussez des cris percants!
Babillez Discutez!
Jouez Frappez Sautez Glissez Rirez
Parlez Montrez Du Doight Conduissez Manger Tournez
Claquez Des Mains --Dancez --Battrez Des Mains
Martelez Goutez -- Sautez Dehors Glissez
Rebondez Exprimez Demandez Repondez
Marchez Regardez--Devisagez! Devisagez!
Devisagez! Devisagez!
поэма у давид харт
поэма у давид харт
поэма у давид харт
я люблю любиь беэумнно
я ошушаю аплодйроваю
пею воля
я люьлю
я могу донкихотский
эемлистый эадорный
галлюцинаацция оно может мой
жиэнь жажда
я люблю ппрокладыэать
поэма у давид харт
я люблю любиь беэумнно
я ошушаю аплодйроваю
пею воля
я люьлю
я могу донкихотский
эемлистый эадорный
галлюцинаацция оно может мой
жиэнь жажда
я люблю ппрокладыэать
"Uccello di Sabbia" Птица песка
"Uccello di Sabbia" " Птица песка
"Uccello di Sabbia" by David Hart
Piccolo uccello di sabbioso costa
Di alto mare uccello con piccolo becco
Uno becco come una spada magro
Dalle gambe lungha uccellino
Graffiari it sabbia caruccio uccello
Rallegrarsi alla vista del acquoso onda
Uccellino frenetico
Affrettarsi con mio piccino uccello
Oh, Piccino sabbia zappatore
Zigano del aerea e di terra
Confidari mio piccolo uccello
Tu zigano il tuo segreto pensiero
Dazari mio addosso il spiaggia
Piccolo uccellino
Давид Арт 2526 Поемс Реад. " Птица песка " by Давид Арт' Укчело Песка by Давид Артпикколо птица песчаного высокого costaDi море птица с маленьким beccoUno такой кончик как шпага magroDalle ноги lungha uccellinoGraffiari it песок caruccio uccelloRallegrarsi на взгляд водянистого ondaUccellino freneticoAffrettarsi с моим ребенком uccelloOh, Маленький песок zappatoreZigano воздушная и terraConfidari мой маленький цыганский uccelloTu твой секрет pensieroDazari мой сверху spiaggiaPiccolo uccellinoDHart2000USA
"Uccello di Sabbia" by David Hart
Piccolo uccello di sabbioso costa
Di alto mare uccello con piccolo becco
Uno becco come una spada magro
Dalle gambe lungha uccellino
Graffiari it sabbia caruccio uccello
Rallegrarsi alla vista del acquoso onda
Uccellino frenetico
Affrettarsi con mio piccino uccello
Oh, Piccino sabbia zappatore
Zigano del aerea e di terra
Confidari mio piccolo uccello
Tu zigano il tuo segreto pensiero
Dazari mio addosso il spiaggia
Piccolo uccellino
Давид Арт 2526 Поемс Реад. " Птица песка " by Давид Арт' Укчело Песка by Давид Артпикколо птица песчаного высокого costaDi море птица с маленьким beccoUno такой кончик как шпага magroDalle ноги lungha uccellinoGraffiari it песок caruccio uccelloRallegrarsi на взгляд водянистого ondaUccellino freneticoAffrettarsi с моим ребенком uccelloOh, Маленький песок zappatoreZigano воздушная и terraConfidari мой маленький цыганский uccelloTu твой секрет pensieroDazari мой сверху spiaggiaPiccolo uccellinoDHart2000USA
ВыдающАЯся линэа своевольнО
ВыдающАЯся линэа своевольнО
спокойнО дрЕмЛЕТт на гордОМ
туалетнОМ столИкЕ
Камин тиХО эеваЕт И
моргаЕт горячая
эола хихикаЕт танцУЕт
наружная стоический туман
скакат галопом между
живущий кустарник с
испарение шипучий звезда
покрытый оконное стекло
косит с заглядыват наружу
веад и виерёд каприэный луна
эадумчмчивый линэа
жеват на виа с птичвего
на вежливый профессия
общественное положение с
терраса великолепный
с чистый.
спокойнО дрЕмЛЕТт на гордОМ
туалетнОМ столИкЕ
Камин тиХО эеваЕт И
моргаЕт горячая
эола хихикаЕт танцУЕт
наружная стоический туман
скакат галопом между
живущий кустарник с
испарение шипучий звезда
покрытый оконное стекло
косит с заглядыват наружу
веад и виерёд каприэный луна
эадумчмчивый линэа
жеват на виа с птичвего
на вежливый профессия
общественное положение с
терраса великолепный
с чистый.
"Младенец Вздыхает" Дэвидом Х
"Младенец Вздыхает" Дэвидом Х
Вертикально в хлеве,
ноги подбоченясь,
младенец вздыхает
окнa в потолке - небе освещает--
теплое сияние
из блюза, желтых цветов, и сверкающих оттенков
вежливо вниз на этого наивного младенца.
Вертикальный и внимательный,
ноги подбоченясь,
купание в
восторженная нежность
из холмистых потоков
из искрящегося света,
две крошечных руки держат фирму.
Теперь с беззубым
миниатюрный рот,
крошечная пресса резины
на удовольствие
привождение к прохладе
из гладкого
пластмассовый хлев
непостижимые голоса
- приглушенный и запутанный--
ил через тонкие стены
к новым ушам младенца.
Удовлетворенный в пределах непонимания
и восхищаясь удивлением,
младенец вздыхает.
Вертикально в хлеве,
ноги подбоченясь,
младенец вздыхает
окнa в потолке - небе освещает--
теплое сияние
из блюза, желтых цветов, и сверкающих оттенков
вежливо вниз на этого наивного младенца.
Вертикальный и внимательный,
ноги подбоченясь,
купание в
восторженная нежность
из холмистых потоков
из искрящегося света,
две крошечных руки держат фирму.
Теперь с беззубым
миниатюрный рот,
крошечная пресса резины
на удовольствие
привождение к прохладе
из гладкого
пластмассовый хлев
непостижимые голоса
- приглушенный и запутанный--
ил через тонкие стены
к новым ушам младенца.
Удовлетворенный в пределах непонимания
и восхищаясь удивлением,
младенец вздыхает.
2007 computer art by Hart
Stetti ad aspettare
Sento dire molto cose
I mormorii, I mormorii
Zito! Zito!
Piove, amaro pioggia
Mi dia un bel cielo, virtu,
Una bella donna, un buon amico
E delle cosette
Stetti ad aspettare
Do amore delizioso flammeggiante
Sto calmo
Piove, il mormorio, i mormorii
della vita
The Seasons of Your Love by David Hart
The Seasons of Your Love by David Hart
When bright lightening
Slices throught the
Soft blue sky and
Your eyes delightfully
Dance in joy and glee,
My heart does gloriously sing.
Anon, seasons sprightly go
hither and yon.
Amidst the swirling orange and yellow leaves of
Autumn's caress, your pixie
Smile beams resplendent and light.
When bright jagged lightening cleaves
The pliant blue black night,
Your gentle soothing love bathes
my yearning heart this fair night.
When bright lightening
Slices throught the
Soft blue sky and
Your eyes delightfully
Dance in joy and glee,
My heart does gloriously sing.
Anon, seasons sprightly go
hither and yon.
Amidst the swirling orange and yellow leaves of
Autumn's caress, your pixie
Smile beams resplendent and light.
When bright jagged lightening cleaves
The pliant blue black night,
Your gentle soothing love bathes
my yearning heart this fair night.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
''A Living Stone'' by Mr. David Hart
''A Living Stone'' by Mr. David Hart
Down a path blithely personable
One wrought of solid character
Freely strolling was I.
Lo. One solitary stone didst
Speechlessly beckon to me
Comfortably, this gregarious stone
softly rests
Silent and serene
Musing contentedly,
What could this stone
Want from me?
"Hold me, touch me, squeeze me"
This pertinaceous stone
Voicelessly beckoned to me.
"Jettison me skipping over
Cerulean sea",
"Cast me delighting in
A Triton sea",
"Across great ice sheets
Of Europa slide me giggling
Replete with glee"
"And fling me into a volcano
on Io, so I can see.
Down a path blithely personable
One wrought of solid character
Freely strolling was I.
Lo. One solitary stone didst
Speechlessly beckon to me
Comfortably, this gregarious stone
softly rests
Silent and serene
Musing contentedly,
What could this stone
Want from me?
"Hold me, touch me, squeeze me"
This pertinaceous stone
Voicelessly beckoned to me.
"Jettison me skipping over
Cerulean sea",
"Cast me delighting in
A Triton sea",
"Across great ice sheets
Of Europa slide me giggling
Replete with glee"
"And fling me into a volcano
on Io, so I can see.
"Christmas by Dave Hart & Andrei Vospanov (January 2005)
Christmas by Dave Hart & Andrei Vospanov
Blessed we are to have these days
Time slows down and all the ways
Angels sing their bidding prayer
For the Christians everywhere.
Joyous children laugh at play
Old men smile and stare their way
Remembering a time a younger day
To enjoy this brisk and joyous day.
Being touched by Divine power
Twinkle stars in sparkling shower.
Every fir-tree as a tower
Signs us Christmas in this hour.
Blessed we are to have these days
Time slows down and all the ways
Angels sing their bidding prayer
For the Christians everywhere.
Joyous children laugh at play
Old men smile and stare their way
Remembering a time a younger day
To enjoy this brisk and joyous day.
Being touched by Divine power
Twinkle stars in sparkling shower.
Every fir-tree as a tower
Signs us Christmas in this hour.
''Mnemosyne'' by David Hart
''Mnemosyne'' by David Hart
O Mnemosyne repugn thy persistent nilling
Shield not thine fenestella from my tarantistic spirit so earnestly
Lift thy scialytic veil and evince those furibund relics from Lethe's depths.
Memories of mother's soft serene womb
Now to me doth arise
Relics once lost to this humble gerontion
Now arise--feeling the sublime comfort
The caring and secure feeling--weightlessness,
Floating in mother's secure inner chamber
Occlude not this noetic myrmidon
Jape not and render a nisis with alacrity genteel.
O Mnemosyne jounce and
Dive through the seiche of Lethe repugning.
Anon, bathe me in myriad visions revealing.
Now is revealed the conception.
What a most magnificent memory!
A silent beautiful explosion of myriad colors
Streaming to and fro rapidly and slowly all
At once--awe upon delightful awe
Mnemosyne-Gr. Myth-the goddess of memory; repugn-to oppose/resist; nill-v.t. arch.-to be unwilling; fenestella-a small window opening in an altar allowing relics within to be seen; tarantism-nervous disorder characterized by mania for dancing and music; scialytic-adj.-dispersing or dispelling shadows; evince- to show in a clear manner/to manifest; furibund-adj.-rare-filled with or marked by rage or frenzy; Lethe-Gr/Roman Myth-river of forgetfullness; gerontion-Gr.- old man; occlude-v. to shut out/obstruct; noetic-Gr. Phil.-adj.-of or pertaining to intellectual or rational activity; myrmidon- loyal follower; jape-v.-to jest/jeer/mock; nisis-n.pl.Latin-exercise of power in acting or attempting/an endeavor; jounce-v.t. & v.i.-to shake or move roughly up and down/jolt; seiche-n.-rhythmic occilation of water above and below the mean level of lakes
Go to "Gallery 4" at: http://groups.msn.com/hart2/shoebox.msnw for more poetry by Mr. David Hart
O Mnemosyne repugn thy persistent nilling
Shield not thine fenestella from my tarantistic spirit so earnestly
Lift thy scialytic veil and evince those furibund relics from Lethe's depths.
Memories of mother's soft serene womb
Now to me doth arise
Relics once lost to this humble gerontion
Now arise--feeling the sublime comfort
The caring and secure feeling--weightlessness,
Floating in mother's secure inner chamber
Occlude not this noetic myrmidon
Jape not and render a nisis with alacrity genteel.
O Mnemosyne jounce and
Dive through the seiche of Lethe repugning.
Anon, bathe me in myriad visions revealing.
Now is revealed the conception.
What a most magnificent memory!
A silent beautiful explosion of myriad colors
Streaming to and fro rapidly and slowly all
At once--awe upon delightful awe
Mnemosyne-Gr. Myth-the goddess of memory; repugn-to oppose/resist; nill-v.t. arch.-to be unwilling; fenestella-a small window opening in an altar allowing relics within to be seen; tarantism-nervous disorder characterized by mania for dancing and music; scialytic-adj.-dispersing or dispelling shadows; evince- to show in a clear manner/to manifest; furibund-adj.-rare-filled with or marked by rage or frenzy; Lethe-Gr/Roman Myth-river of forgetfullness; gerontion-Gr.- old man; occlude-v. to shut out/obstruct; noetic-Gr. Phil.-adj.-of or pertaining to intellectual or rational activity; myrmidon- loyal follower; jape-v.-to jest/jeer/mock; nisis-n.pl.Latin-exercise of power in acting or attempting/an endeavor; jounce-v.t. & v.i.-to shake or move roughly up and down/jolt; seiche-n.-rhythmic occilation of water above and below the mean level of lakes
Go to "Gallery 4" at: http://groups.msn.com/hart2/shoebox.msnw for more poetry by Mr. David Hart
''Verse'' by Mr. David Hart
''Verse'' by Mr. David Hart
Be not harried by apostasy spates
Surcease ye flux of basilic imprecations
Adhibit ye ,supernal paracletes
The pith of divinity
An Achates,
Vae victis
In this temporal realm
Chatoyant fanfaronade
Sursurrant congeries
Erelong abate
Shun the gaffer's gammon
Arcadian maundering
Avaunt kaleidoscopic zealotry
Bandy a cutlass perfervid
Ex aequo et bono
Beneficence's glaive bandies.
Preside atheling echt
In pharos of Nestor
Bestow succor to the augean Boeothians!
Malign them not--for now come the celestial shower
To halidom, shepard, solace and anele
Ye benighted churls
vocabulary- spate-flood; arcadian-rural/simple; echt-adj.-genuine; Nestor-the god of wisdom; Achaetes-any faithful friend; chatoyant-possessing a changeable luster; rein-v.-to curb or restrain; amative-amatory; anele-v.- to annoint; harry-to torment by constant attack; perfervid-ardent/very fervid; ex aequo et bono-L.-according to the principle of fairness and good; bandy-to beat to and fro; vae victic-L.-woe to the vanquished; gammon-nonsense; gaffer- an old crone; flux-flow; fanfaronade--n.-bragging/ostentation/bluster; congeries-heap; susurrant-adj-whispering; basilic-lowly/base; pith-vigor/force/strength; supernal-celestial; imprecations-curses; halidom-a holy place/holiness; Pallas Athena-Gr.goddess of wisdom; quotha-arch.-indeed! Forsooth!; paracletes-someone who aids and supports; glaive-sword; pharos-lighthouse; atheling-ancient crown prince; adhibit-to let in/admit; benighted-adj-overtaken by darkness; bestead-to aid; anele-to annoint; contemn-v.-to view with contempt; solace-n. comfort in sorrow
Be not harried by apostasy spates
Surcease ye flux of basilic imprecations
Adhibit ye ,supernal paracletes
The pith of divinity
An Achates,
Vae victis
In this temporal realm
Chatoyant fanfaronade
Sursurrant congeries
Erelong abate
Shun the gaffer's gammon
Arcadian maundering
Avaunt kaleidoscopic zealotry
Bandy a cutlass perfervid
Ex aequo et bono
Beneficence's glaive bandies.
Preside atheling echt
In pharos of Nestor
Bestow succor to the augean Boeothians!
Malign them not--for now come the celestial shower
To halidom, shepard, solace and anele
Ye benighted churls
vocabulary- spate-flood; arcadian-rural/simple; echt-adj.-genuine; Nestor-the god of wisdom; Achaetes-any faithful friend; chatoyant-possessing a changeable luster; rein-v.-to curb or restrain; amative-amatory; anele-v.- to annoint; harry-to torment by constant attack; perfervid-ardent/very fervid; ex aequo et bono-L.-according to the principle of fairness and good; bandy-to beat to and fro; vae victic-L.-woe to the vanquished; gammon-nonsense; gaffer- an old crone; flux-flow; fanfaronade--n.-bragging/ostentation/bluster; congeries-heap; susurrant-adj-whispering; basilic-lowly/base; pith-vigor/force/strength; supernal-celestial; imprecations-curses; halidom-a holy place/holiness; Pallas Athena-Gr.goddess of wisdom; quotha-arch.-indeed! Forsooth!; paracletes-someone who aids and supports; glaive-sword; pharos-lighthouse; atheling-ancient crown prince; adhibit-to let in/admit; benighted-adj-overtaken by darkness; bestead-to aid; anele-to annoint; contemn-v.-to view with contempt; solace-n. comfort in sorrow
"Beware of Me" (Rough Draft) by David Hart
Beware of me, beware of me
I must kill you so I can
feel free
My belief, I have nary a doubt
This life, I care little about
I rant and shout blame from
dawn 'til dusk
Earthly wealth I care scant about
Mine eyes to Elysium fanatically focused
I blame others for all I perceive
as wretched
Never once do I accept any responsibility
for my selfish frenzied state
Beware of me, beware of me
Your fear is my special glee
I scream and rave from sun to moon
I want to kill others who
don't believe like me
Beware of me, beware of me
your fear brings joy to me.
I must kill you so I can
feel free
My belief, I have nary a doubt
This life, I care little about
I rant and shout blame from
dawn 'til dusk
Earthly wealth I care scant about
Mine eyes to Elysium fanatically focused
I blame others for all I perceive
as wretched
Never once do I accept any responsibility
for my selfish frenzied state
Beware of me, beware of me
Your fear is my special glee
I scream and rave from sun to moon
I want to kill others who
don't believe like me
Beware of me, beware of me
your fear brings joy to me.
''Observation'' by David Hart
''Observation'' by David Hart
"Observation" by David Hart
At daybreak, mankind, sacred in seclusion
Cordially is wisked away
Those who walk with calculated steps
Keeping secrets live in this secluded
Village, while a
Possessed mad philosoper comes forth and
Bewitches a nation.
This shabby philosoper plunges into a
cryptic idealism
A heart's blissful palpitation beats
For life and wisks an insane mankind
Away. (DHart 2005) Originally written in Russian. See www.poetrypoem.com/hart1
"Observation" by David Hart
At daybreak, mankind, sacred in seclusion
Cordially is wisked away
Those who walk with calculated steps
Keeping secrets live in this secluded
Village, while a
Possessed mad philosoper comes forth and
Bewitches a nation.
This shabby philosoper plunges into a
cryptic idealism
A heart's blissful palpitation beats
For life and wisks an insane mankind
Away. (DHart 2005) Originally written in Russian. See www.poetrypoem.com/hart1
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